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What Is a Challenger Brand? Definition & Examples

Learn how to create a successful challenger brand with practical marketing strategies. Discover key techniques to stand out in a crowded market and gain a competitive edge.

Written by RamotionNov 15, 202312 min read

Last updated: Feb 6, 2024


Challenger brands are disrupting the traditional business scene by daring to take risks and do something unconventional.

Despite their size, both big and small challenger brands stand out in their industry and are characterized by their willingness to challenge the status quo.

In this blog post, we will explore the strategies and unique qualities of these game-changers.

A challenger brand is a company or product that actively challenges and disrupts the industry status quo, often taking on established market leaders.

Ultimately redefining what it means to be a brand, these brands adopt a distinctive strategy, positioning themselves as innovative and dynamic players that aim to redefine industry norms.

Challenger brands are willing to take risks, think outside the box, and do something unconventional to become a market leader in their specific industry. They have big aspirations, even with limited resources.

They understand that they may have a different marketing budget or market presence than the established players, but that doesn't deter them from making a move.

Challenger brands use creative marketing and brand strategies to make a lasting impact and gain a loyal following.

They leverage social media, collaborate with development and design companies, and work closely with a branding firm to create a solid and compelling brand image.

Challenger - way of not only big brands

The world of challenger brands is not reserved only for large corporations, as their influence spans companies of all sizes.

Being a challenger brand doesn’t mean that you need to own a large corporation since this approach is accessible to newcomers to the business world. The approach concerns the company's state of mind but not its size.

A challenger brand disrupts the conventional norms of an industry and prioritizes innovation, differentiation, and a willingness to disrupt the status quo.

This mindset has resulted in several successful challenger brands worldwide, proving that established market leaders can be rivaled by more than just industry giants.

For example, in the automotive industry, challenger brands may take a different approach than conventional brands. While established automakers often follow traditional manufacturing and sales models, a challenger brand might disrupt the industry by focusing on electric vehicles, sustainable materials, and innovative ownership models.

These challenger brands in the automotive sector might redefine the norm of internal combustion engines, opting for electric or hybrid alternatives.

Apart from prioritizing eco-friendly manufacturing processes to promote sustainability and reduce environmental impact, some of these brands may also focus on designing vehicles tailored to the needs of disabled people.

Besides, some challenger brands might explore unconventional distribution methods, such as direct-to-consumer sales or subscription-based ownership models, deviating from the conventional dealership approach.

Also, many challenger brands leverage innovative marketing techniques, social media platforms, and unconventional branding strategies so startups and smaller enterprises can compete equally with established players.

This inclusivity creates a dynamic business environment where merit, creativity, and the ability to redefine industry norms are prioritized over conforming to traditional expectations.

As a result, challenger brands continue to emerge from various sectors, reshaping industries and proving that a challenger state of mind is not limited by the scale of a company but by its determination to challenge and reshape traditional approaches.

Challenger Brand Criteria

Challenger brands are distinguished by three critical criteria, with their current position in the market taking a secondary role.

The primary emphasis lies on ambition and strategy, shaping the future trajectory of the brand.

Position in the Market

While the current market position is important, it holds secondary importance for challenger brands.

What takes precedence is the ambition to challenge the status quo and the strategic approach adopted to achieve this. The focus is on discovering a unique identity and disrupting established norms rather than conforming to existing market hierarchies.

Future Growth

A crucial aspect of challenger brands is ensuring they are oriented toward future growth. There is a direct correlation between the strategies used to challenge the market and the potential for exponential growth.

While success is not guaranteed, challenge strategies' proactive and innovative nature makes this future growth more likely. The willingness to take risks and break away from conventional approaches positions challenger brands for dynamic and sustainable expansion.

Unlike established market leaders, who may be more risk-averse, challengers embrace a mindset that values experimentation and bold decision-making.

This openness to risk allows them to explore new avenues, test innovative ideas, and adapt swiftly to changing market dynamics.

Their approach is characterized by agility and adaptability, which are crucial for the future development of new companies in rapidly evolving industries. For instance, let’s take a challenger brand in the finance sector that capitalizes on cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and smart contracts.

By introducing a more streamlined and user-friendly financial product, this innovative approach gives the brand a significant advantage over the established players in the financial industry.

In doing so, the challenger brand gains a competitive edge upon entering the market and positions itself for future growth.

This solution becomes especially attractive to customers looking to expedite payment processing, receive higher yields on specific financial products, and mitigate potential risks associated with money transfers.

Intelligent Positioning

Intelligent positioning is a multifaceted approach that involves careful consideration of strategic goals, a deep understanding of the target audience, a clear differentiation from competitors, and creating a compelling narrative.

Understanding the target audience involves thoroughly exploring their preferences, needs, and behaviors. It's about identifying the unique aspects that make the brand's offerings relevant and appealing to this group.

This customer-centric approach forms the foundation for an intelligent positioning strategy, ensuring that the brand meets and exceeds its target audience's expectations.

Plus, differentiation from competitors is a crucial aspect of intelligent positioning.

Pinpointing what sets the brand apart, whether it be innovative features, top-notch quality, or a distinctive brand personality, the strategy aims to carve out a distinct space in the market.

This differentiation attracts attention and fosters brand loyalty, as consumers are drawn to the unique value proposition that the brand offers.

Creating a narrative that resonates with consumers is the final key element

Beyond just conveying a message, this narrative forms an emotional connection with the audience. It tells a story that aligns with the brand's values and speaks directly to the aspirations and emotions of the consumers.

Overall, the necessity of smart positioning extends beyond just challenging the market leader; it involves understanding the target audience, differentiating from competitors, and creating a narrative that resonates with consumers.

How to build brand challenge strategies?

To build an effective challenger brand strategy, it is crucial to focus on critical elements that set the brand apart from its competitors.

This involves defining and emphasizing individuality, crafting a unique message, adopting a strategic narrative like "David vs. Goliath," understanding the difference between market positioning and brand call strategies, and maintaining consistency even in challenging moments.

1. Define Individuality

Defining individuality within the context of challenger brands involves a comprehensive understanding and clear articulation of the brand's identity and vision.

It goes beyond merely existing in the market and emphasizes the necessity for a transformative and market-changing objective.

Individuality for challenger brands is not only about being different for the sake of it; it's about driving innovation. This involves constantly pursuing creative solutions, novel approaches, and a willingness to challenge existing norms within the industry.

Successful challenger brands, therefore, make individuality the cornerstone of their strategy.

They don't merely follow trends; they set them for us. This commitment to standing out, coupled with a dedication to innovation, establishes a unique brand identity and contributes to the brand's longevity and success in a dynamic and ever-evolving market.

2. Crafting a Unique Message

Crafting a unique message is central to a successful challenger brand strategy. So, most of the efforts go towards defining and disseminating a message that resonates with the target audience.

The key is to communicate the brand's distinctive value proposition in a way that captures attention and builds connections.

The message reaches those most likely to resonate with the challenger brand through precise targeting, cultivating a sense of belonging and shared values.

This community-building aspect ensures that the brand communicates its uniqueness and establishes a network of advocates who spread the message organically through word-of-mouth marketing.

3. "David vs. Goliath" Strategy

A powerful narrative in the battle of brand challenges is the "David vs. Goliath" strategy. Challenger brands can effectively leverage this narrative, positioning themselves as underdogs challenging industry giants.

But there's a need to be careful. Some people think the smaller brand just uses this story to get attention. Also, if done differently, it can make the smaller brand seem too confrontational, which might turn away customers who prefer the stability of more prominent, well-known companies.

To handle this well, the smaller brand must be honest about its challenges and strengths. Instead of focusing on the competition, they should discuss what makes them unique and why customers should choose them.

This way, the story becomes more real and helps the brand stand out for its qualities, not just for being the "David" against the giant "Goliath."

It's about being open and showing that the primary purpose behind the brand is to provide high-quality products and services instead of contrasting itself to the industry leaders for attention.

4. Differentiating Brand Call and Market Positioning Strategies

Differentiating between market positioning and brand messaging strategies entails more than minor adjustments; it involves guiding the brand to deliver a superior product or service.

For challenger brands, the emphasis should go beyond slight differences and extend to creating a unique identity and value proposition that stands out.

This emphasis on differentiation becomes crucial for effectively challenging established market leaders, ensuring that the brand not only competes but excels in a way that genuinely captures the attention and loyalty of its target audience.

The challenge lies in crafting strategies that not only position the brand in the market but also make a compelling call that resonates with consumers on a deeper emotional level.

5. Stay True to Your Uniqueness and Strategy

As we have already said, adherence to the brand’s core strategy and uniqueness consistently reinforces the brand's identity, creating loyalty among consumers.

In times of challenge or adversity, the brand's established strategy acts as a reliable anchor, offering stability and continuity. This commitment signals authenticity to consumers, demonstrating that the brand's values are solid and not swayed by short-term trends.

Consistently showcasing what makes the brand special strengthens its unique position in the market, making it stand out and connect with its target audience faster.

Types and illustrative examples

As we have already said, challenger brands redefine the conventional approach to business, demonstrating that size doesn't dictate influence.

These challengers are making waves in various industries worldwide, from social missions to innovative marketing strategies.

Let's delve into top real-world examples of challenger brands that embody different facets of their approach to business.

The Missionary Brand - Tony's Chocolonely

Tony's Chocolonely stands out as a great example of a brand with a special mission that goes beyond crafting delicious chocolate.

The company's owner aimed to tackle systemic problems like child labor and industry exploitation in the chocolate sector. With unwavering commitment, the company ensured fundamental labor rights for its extensive network of 14,000 farmers and their families.

This social work has not gone unnoticed, earning recognition from various international organizations and acknowledging its positive influence on the rural communities it serves.

Purpose-Driven - Reflaunt

Reflaunt is an excellent example of purpose-driven initiatives emphasizing environmental sustainability in the fashion industry.

Through its platform facilitating the resale of luxury fashion items, Reflaunt challenges traditional industry practices, aligning with the growing demand for eco-friendly alternatives.

This strategic focus resonates with environmentally conscious consumers and positions Reflaunt as a pioneering force in purpose-driven commerce.

The brand's commitment to environmental protection is a noteworthy example of aligning business objectives with broader societal goals.

Capturing the Category Leader - Salesforce

Salesforce transformed the customer relationship management (CRM) industry with cloud-based solutions. As a top CRM software company, it helps businesses manage and automate their marketing campaigns by streamlining customer interactions and providing advanced analytics tools.

Through bold marketing and innovative products, Salesforce positions itself as an industry thought leader by sharing valuable content and insights. A key element of their marketing strategy involves content marketing that consists of blog posts, educational webinars, offline seminars, and videos.

Opportunity Demonstration - Volvo

Volvo's "Live Tests" campaign is one of the most compelling examples of a challenger brand marketing technique aimed at showcasing its capabilities in unconventional ways.

Volvo challenges industry norms and perceptions by staging real-life demonstrations of their vehicles' performance in adverse conditions, such as deserts, mountains, and tropical forests.

This approach reinforces Volvo's commitment to safety and positions the brand as a bold innovator willing to back up its claims in real-world scenarios, unlike most competitors.

Emphasis on Individuality - Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a top challenger to watch as it stands out in the email automation industry by adopting a personalized approach to its customers. Unlike competitors that focus only on technical features, Mailchimp uses a friendly and humorous style in its campaigns to connect with a broad audience of email marketers.

This distinct marketing approach defies the usual industry norms of being severe and formal at all times. It connects well with businesses looking for a more relatable and friendly partner in their marketing efforts.

Mailchimp's success highlights how crucial having a unique brand voice in a crowded market is. It shows the importance of being yourself when strategically positioning your brand.


Seeing these challenger brands rise, it's clear that being big doesn't guarantee influence. They have a state of mind that questions the usual ways, encourages new ideas, and doesn't follow the crowd.

In a world where big companies usually lead, these challengers are more than just businesses; they're active forces changing the established order.

This shows that to stand out in this changing world, businesses don't just have to be like everyone else; they need to be unique, pay attention to what people want, and not be afraid to do things differently.

The success of these challengers encourages us to rethink how business usually works and see the exciting possibilities of a challenger brand strategy.
