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Introduction to Cloud Based Web Application Development

Cloud Based Web Application Development has changed the world and businesses have started to realize the potential benefits that this cutting-edge tech offers.

Written by RamotionSep 19, 202215 min read

Last updated: Feb 20, 2024

Cloud-based application development plays a significant part in today's world. Cloud has allowed a generation of Internet-enabled applications. What started as one of the major technological advancements, has revolutionized the entire development paradigm and made it simpler than ever to develop applications.

Cloud-based application development has become a revolutionary trend in the IT industry today due to its various benefits over traditional software development models. It helps cloud application development services to reduce the costs of software maintenance and deployment. It provides a flexible environment for the developers which allows them to work on projects from anywhere using any device with internet access.

Defining Cloud-based Application Development

Cloud-based Application

So what exactly is cloud-based application development? In short, this type of software development involves building applications that run on remote servers or storage devices instead of on local hardware or operating systems. The cloud can be accessed through any browser or mobile device, making it possible for cloud app developers to build apps that are more responsive and flexible than ever before.

Cloud-based applications are a great solution for businesses that need to scale their operations quickly. They can also help companies save on costs by eliminating the need to purchase expensive hardware and software licenses. With cloud-based application development, you can also reduce your reliance on IT staff members who are responsible for maintaining servers and other hardware.

Types of Cloud Applications in Development

Cloud applications come in a variety of forms. There are many different types of cloud-based apps, each of which offers unique benefits for businesses and consumers. Here are some examples:

Cloud-Based Web Applications

Web applications run in the cloud and can be accessed through any browser or mobile device. They may also require users to log in with an account on their own devices before accessing the application itself. Examples include social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn as well as apps like Google Docs and Dropbox Paper.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

This type of software helps you manage your customers, sales leads, and other important contacts. It usually contains features such as email marketing campaigns, lead management tools, and contact databases that allow you to build relationships with your customers more effectively.

Customer Relationship Management

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

ERP software helps businesses manage all aspects of their business operations from accounting to inventory control and customer service. This type of software usually contains modules like accounting, inventory management, human resources management, and customer relationship management.

Enterprise Resource Planning

PMS (Property Management Software)

PMS refers to property management systems that help landlords manage their rental properties more efficiently by automating certain tasks like collecting rent payments from tenants or sending them maintenance requests. It also allows landlords to keep track of their properties using a database and generate reports on their financial performance.

Property Management Software

Types of Cloud-based Application Development solution

1. SaaS - Software-as-a-Service

SaaS is one of the most popular models for cloud applications because it's easy to understand and implement. With SaaS, you pay a monthly subscription fee for access to an application hosted on the internet, rather than storing it locally on your computer or server. You can use this app for anything from watching videos online or booking travel reservations.


The benefit of SaaS is that it’s easy to use and maintain. You don't have to worry about software updates, security issues, or the costs of hosting your own server—all these things are handled by the cloud provider.

The downside is that you don’t have full control over the application or its data. If there's an issue with your cloud provider, it can take time to fix it because you’re not in charge of maintaining the software and servers.

The benefits of SaaS include:

  • Updates and maintenance are automatically handled by the provider.
  • You can access your data from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.
  • There's no need to install software on your computer or server.
  • You don't need to worry about security issues or hardware maintenance.
  • The software is hosted on the cloud provider’s servers, so it's available 24/7.

2. PaaS - Platform-as-a-Service

PaaS is another very popular option for building your business logic or backend services because it lets you focus on building your application rather than managing servers or storage systems. PaaS gives developers access to tools like databases and messaging systems so they don’t have to worry about building those systems themselves. PaaS is ideal for software developers who are looking for a managed solution that allows them to focus on their application and leave the infrastructure issues to someone else.


PaaS can be run on-premise or in the cloud, depending on your needs. Because PaaS is a managed cloud service, it requires less time and money from developers who want to build their applications.

3. IaaS - Infrastructure-as-a-Service

IaaS allows users to provision virtual machines at any time and uses them for various purposes such as testing new software or running a website temporarily during peak hours or for special events. Some examples include Amazon Web Services and Rackspace Cloud Servers. IaaS is ideal for software developers who need a flexible solution that allows them to quickly scale up or down their computing resources as needed. The cloud has made it much easier to deploy and manage your applications, but it’s not without its drawbacks. For example, you may have to trust the provider with some sensitive data or allow them access to your cloud app infrastructure in order to be able to use their services.

Customer Relationship Management

The cloud is also a more complex environment than traditional network infrastructure, which can make it harder to architect and manage. If you’re considering using IaaS, it might be a good idea to consult with an experienced consultant who can help you decide whether this solution will meet your requirements.

The cloud can be a great solution for many businesses, but it’s not always the right choice. If you have specific requirements, such as needing dedicated servers or having strict security needs that are difficult to meet with IaaS, then a private cloud might be a better fit.

Key Benefits of Cloud Application Development


Cloud applications are much easier to scale up or down. If your business needs increase, you can easily add storage or memory. You can also reduce costs by shutting down unused cloud applications when you don’t need them. The flexibility of cloud apps also makes it easier for you to switch providers. If you find a better deal with another provider, you can simply move your data and applications over without having to worry about setting up new servers or migrating your data.

Lower Costs

Cloud app development can save you money compared to traditional on-premise software development. It does not require any upfront capital expenditure such as setting up servers or buying expensive licenses for operating systems and databases. In addition, most cloud platforms charge their customers based on usage instead of charging them based on their resources like in traditional software development where they would have to purchase additional capacity before they know if they even need it or not which results in paying more than needed or not enough capacity being purchased which results in poor performance and unmet expectations from customers who expect their app to work flawlessly at all times when they use it no matter how many users are using it at the same time.


Cloud-based apps are scalable in nature, which means they can handle more traffic than traditional IT systems without slowing down performance or crashing. Cloud servers also have high availability meaning if one server goes down another will be available immediately so no downtime occurs during peak demand times or when there is a failure in another part of your system.

Security and reliability

Cloud applications are highly secure because they run in data centers that are protected by sophisticated security systems. You don’t have to worry about potential external threats such as hackers or viruses affecting your data because it is stored securely on remote servers. Cloud technology also reduces downtime because if something goes wrong with your own hardware, it doesn’t impact other users of the same service at all.

Faster Deployment Time

The biggest benefit of Cloud Application Development is its fast deployment time. With traditional application development methods, an application has to be developed on your own server which could take months or even years depending on how complex it is. Once it’s ready for deployment, you have to manually install it on your server and configure everything before making it available for use by others. On the other hand, with cloud-based applications, all you need to do is create an account with a cloud provider like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Once your application is ready for testing or production purposes, simply upload it onto their servers where it will be compiled automatically within minutes!

Increased Productivity & Efficiency

Cloud Application Development helps you grow your business more efficiently by allowing you to focus on what matters most: your customers' needs and requirements. With Cloud Application Development, you can easily scale up or down as needed without having to worry about IT infrastructure or other technical issues. You can also make changes quickly and easily without having to spend too much time on maintenance. This saves you money that you would otherwise spend on hiring additional staff members or buying new hardware or software licenses etc.

Steps to Build a Great Cloud-Based App

Building a great cloud-based app is a lot like creating any other product or service—you need to offer something that people want and make it as easy as possible for them to get it.

1. Research your market

Before you build anything, it’s important to research your market and find out what customers want. The more specific you can get with your research, the better off you’ll be when it comes time to make decisions about what features to include in your app.

If you’re building an app, your first step should be to clearly define what problem you’re solving and who will benefit from the solution. Once you have clarity on that front, you can move forward with planning out how exactly your app will deliver on its promise. Get feedback from potential users Once you’ve identified the problem and who it affects, it’s time to start collecting feedback from your target audience. Polling your customers can help you uncover new insights about what features are most important to them and whether or not there are any gaps in your product roadmap that need addressing before launch.

2. Choose your application type

When it comes to building an app, there are many different types of applications you can create. These include games, productivity tools, social media apps, and more. The type of application you choose will have an impact on the development process, as well as how your app is perceived by users. For example, if you’re developing a game app for children, you may want to consider using bright colors and simple graphics that appeal to younger audiences.

The best way to determine which type of application is right for your business is by asking yourself these questions:

  • Who will be using the app?
  • What problem does it solve?
  • How will it benefit users over existing solutions?
  • How will it help your business grow?
  • What is the best way to monetize the app?
  • What is the best way to brand it?
  • How can you ensure that users will come back to the app over and over again?

Once you have answers to these questions, it will be much easier for you to determine which type of application is best for your business.

3. Plan your application architecture

The next step is to plan the architecture of your application. You may want to start with a wireframe or mockup, which will help you visualize how the app will look and function. From there, you can move on to creating user stories that describe what your users will be doing within each screen of the application. This process should be collaborative so that everyone involved in building out your product has input on how it should work.

It’s also important to keep in mind that the application you build today may need to be updated or changed in the future. Because of this, it’s a good idea to build your application using an architecture that allows for easy updates and improvements down the line. When you’re ready to start building, it’s important to document the process so that your development team can easily keep track of what they did and why. This will make it much easier for someone new on your team to pick up where others left off if they need to work on your application in the future.

4. Choose a cloud-based platform

Once you know what your application will do, it’s time to choose a platform. A cloud-based system is ideal because it allows you to easily scale up or down based on demand. This also makes it easy to add additional features in the future without having to worry about server costs or infrastructure issues.

The most popular cloud-based platforms are Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. Each of these services offers a wide range of features, including cloud storage space, data processing and server hosting, so it’s important to determine which ones will be most beneficial for your application.

In addition to these services, there are also many third-party development tools available that can help streamline the process of creating an application. If you’re just starting out and don’t know where to begin, this is a good place for you to start. Each of these services is designed to make it easy for developers to create, deploy and manage applications in the cloud. They’re also useful for those who don’t have the resources or expertise to build their own cloud infrastructure.

5. Select your database system

The next step is to select a database system that can support your application. There are many different types of databases on the market, but not all of them will work well with your specific needs. Some applications may require a relational database, while others may be better served by NoSQL or cloud-based solutions like Amazon DynamoDB and Google Cloud Datastore.

For example, if your application requires complex queries, then a relational database may be the best option. However, if you’re developing cloud-based application that focuses on simple data storage and retrievals—such as a blog or wiki site—then NoSQL databases tend to be more efficient. You should also consider the cost of each solution before making your final choice.

You should also consider the cost of each solution before making your final choice. Many cloud-based database providers offer free plans that can be used to get started, but these are usually limited in some way. For example, Amazon DynamoDB limits the amount of data you can store and serves only one request per second. This can be a problem if your application requires a high level of performance or scalability. If you need to scale up quickly, you’ll have to pay for the service. It’s essential to consider these costs before making your final decision.

6. Prepare for deployment

When you’re ready to deploy your application, you should take into account the type of hardware that will be required for hosting. If your app is a simple one-page website, then you may not need much in terms of server power and storage space. However, if it’s a complex application that relies heavily on database interactions and user input, then you should consider deploying on the cloud instead of purchasing expensive equipment in-house.

The cloud offers a number of advantages over traditional hosting. You can use the same platform to test, deploy and manage your application, so there’s no need to set up additional servers. It also allows you to scale up or down as needed without incurring any costs beyond those associated with running your application itself.

The cloud is also more secure than traditional hosting because it provides firewalls that protect against attacks. You don’t need to worry about your data being compromised or stolen by hackers. With cloud servers, you can also scale up and down as needed without incurring any costs beyond those associated with running your application itself.


The cloud is a network of remote servers that can be accessed through the Internet. Cloud computing allows businesses to store data, software, and other resources on these servers. In addition, you can use the cloud to access these resources whenever needed. This means that you no longer have to purchase expensive hardware and software licenses upfront; instead, they are billed based on usage. The benefits of cloud computing include lower capital expenditures.

Whether you have a small to medium size business or are just starting a new company or start-up, there is no doubt that you have considered the merits of becoming Cloud Based. In fact, it is rapidly becoming the preferred method for most businesses as it has many great features and benefits that can help you not only easily launch and deploy software applications but also provide a cost-effective and efficient way for you to add more services and capabilities to your business almost immediately.

Cloud computing is a new way of providing IT infrastructure, software, and other services that allow you to access them on demand. Cloud computing platforms help businesses increase their agility and flexibility while reducing costs. With cloud computing, companies can focus on their core business while leveraging the latest technology solutions.

All in all, if you understand what Cloud based application development is, you can see why it has gained a lot of popularity. From a business point of view, the Cloud is the future, and most likely the greatest way to tackle software development - watch this space! Hopefully, this article has given you everything you need to know about cloud-based application development.
