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Custom Web App Development Techniques, One Tip At A Time

Custom web app development techniques to build a successful business. Use tools like Angular, node, and other technologies in the most effective way possible.

Written by RamotionAug 19, 202220 min read

Last updated: Feb 16, 2024

Web applications build off of the open web by adding extra functionalities or extending the feature set of a website. These functionalities may be data-driven and interactive like an online store, or simply extend the audience for a website beyond that of a natively hosted single-page application. Custom apps can be used to do pretty much anything: from managing customer databases to inventory management, and more.

In today's economy, many businesses are looking to become fully independent. Custom Web App Development is the trend used by many entrepreneurs or start-up companies that are not interested in outsourcing for web development services and tend to look for in-house IT solutions. Thousands of web app developers around the World have realized the benefits of building their own web applications, especially because they can control every aspect of their projects and make decisions that suit their needs.

Custom web applications aim to solve a business or organizational problem efficiently. Its features depend on the requirements of the organization and are built from scratch, unlike pre-existing products that provide similar functionality. Custom web application development is all about creating software solutions and can be used for a number of purposes such as processing data, maintaining and updating records, storing information, and more.

Not a lot of people know that custom web applications aren't just limited to large-scale e-commerce solutions. In fact, custom web apps can be developed for all sorts of uses — in which case, you're going to need a guide on how to get started. Custom web app development is no joke! It takes more than just HTML and CSS to develop an application. You want to look at the structure, data flow, and business processes of your app before tackling it.

Custom web applications are built from scratch by programmers who know how to use various coding languages. Those skilled in web design and coding may also create custom web applications. The process of building such an application usually involves three stages: planning, development, and testing.

  • The first stage involves brainstorming ideas for the type of application that will be created and deciding on its purpose. This is followed by designing the layout and functionality of the program using mock-ups or prototypes made using HTML5 or JavaScript. Once all these details have been decided upon, developers begin writing code for the application using programming languages such as PHP, Java, C++, or Python.
  • Once development process has finished, testing begins to ensure that everything works as expected. This can include checking if pages load quickly enough or if users can find their way around easily enough without getting lost within your site's structure. Testing should also involve making sure that your website is compatible with different browsers so that visitors who use different devices such as desktops, laptops, and mobile phones are able to view your site without any issues. Once testing has finished, you can then move on to the final stage of development, which is launching your website.

Custom web applications are the most common type of software that is developed for businesses. These applications can be tailored to meet your specific needs, and they can be created from scratch or built on top of existing software. These applications are often used by companies to manage their inventory, sales data, customer relationships, and more. They are also used to handle employee scheduling, payroll management, and much more.

The best way to understand how these types of apps work are by looking at a few examples. Here are some examples of custom web applications:

  1. A shopping cart system: This allows customers to place orders online without having to call or email the company first.
  2. A customer relationship management (CRM) application: This helps companies keep track of all their customers' information so they can easily send them emails when necessary or offer discounts when appropriate.
  3. An employee scheduling tool: This allows managers to schedule shifts on demand so they don't have to constantly shuffle employees around when someone calls in sick or takes vacation time unexpectedly.

There are many advantages to using a custom web app rather than an off-the-shelf solution:

Your company can have complete control over what the application does and how it looks. This allows you to ensure it meets your exact requirements and gives you more flexibility in how you use it in future years. For example, if you want an online store but don't want to pay for expensive plugins from third parties, then you can create this functionality yourself instead of having to buy it from someone else who's already done all of the hard work for you!

You can tailor the interface of your app so that it fits perfectly with your brand identity and corporate style guidelines. This means users will always feel like they're interacting with an official part of your business, and it helps to create a sense of trust in what they're seeing.

Types of Custom Web Applications

Custom web applications are software programs that are specifically designed for a company or organization. They are built to meet the unique needs of their customers and can be used on the internet, intranet, or private network.

There are many different types of custom web applications that can help your business in many ways. We will discuss some of those below:

1. Business Process Management Software

This type of software allows users to create workflows that automate processes within an organization. It allows individuals to easily share information, assigns tasks, and monitor the progress of important projects. With this type of software, you can easily track who is responsible for what tasks and when they will be completed. You can also track your budgeting process so that all employees know how much it costs to complete each task or project.

In addition to providing you with a way to manage your budget, this software can also help you track the progress of different projects. With this type of software, it is easy to see what tasks are completed and what needs to be done next. It also allows users to create reports that show them where they stand financially at any given time in order to make sure everything is going according to plan.

2. Customer Relationship Management Software

This type of software helps companies keep track of their customers and their interactions with them over time. It allows businesses to store customer information such as contact information, billing information, and payment history so that they can easily access it if needed at a later date or if another employee needs access to it as well.

The CRM system also helps businesses identify potential leads so that they can focus on selling products or services to people who are most likely going to buy from them instead of wasting time and money on people who are unlikely to ever buy anything. The software can also help businesses find out what customers think about their products or services. This allows them to make changes if needed in order to make sure that they are providing a high-quality product or service that people want.

3. SaaS Applications

Software as a Service (SaaS) is an application that is hosted by a third-party provider, with the client accessing the software over the Internet. A SaaS application is typically accessed from another computer or mobile device. This allows businesses to access the software without having to install it on their own computers or servers.

SaaS applications are often used in the cloud computing paradigm, which is a type of Internet-based computing in which shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand. A client will typically pay a monthly or annual fee to use the application, and this fee may also cover support and maintenance. This type of software is often used by businesses because it is easier to maintain than in-house software, which can save companies money.

4. Mobile Applications

Mobile apps are software designed to be used on smartphones and tablets. Mobile apps are often designed to complement other applications or be used as standalone products. Mobile applications are often used by businesses because they can be accessed anywhere and are easier to maintain than in-house software. Mobile apps can also be designed to complement other applications or be used as standalone products.

5. Cloud Applications

Cloud computing refers to a set of services delivered through internet-based computing systems that allow users to access data and applications anywhere at any time without worrying about IT needs and maintenance issues. Cloud computing is a form of IT that involves storing and accessing data through the internet.

Cloud applications are software products that run on a cloud infrastructure, which means that they can be accessed from any location where an internet connection is available. Cloud computing refers to a set of services delivered through internet-based computing systems that allow users to access data and applications anywhere at any time without worrying about IT needs and maintenance issues.

6. On-Premises Enterprise Software

This type of application is installed on an internal network so that employees can use it without having to go online all the time and without having to download anything extra onto their computer (but it does cost more). The most common example of on-premises enterprise software is Microsoft Office, but it can also include accounting and financial systems.

The main advantage of on-premises enterprise software is that it gives you complete control over your data and systems. You don't have to worry about trusting someone else with your data or leaving it vulnerable to hackers. You can also customize or extend the software as much as you need without worrying about compatibility issues with other programs or security concerns related to storing sensitive data in the cloud.

Difference Between Simple and Complex Custom Web Applications

The difference between simple and complex custom web apps is not just the size of the project. It's also how complex the application is, how integrated it is with other data sources and services and how much customization is involved.

Simple Custom Web Applications

Simple web applications are typically built for a single purpose and have basic functionalities. These applications can be created very quickly and require little technical knowledge to maintain. Complex applications take longer to build, require more resources and technical expertise, but offer more features and functionality than simple applications.

Simple custom web applications are the most basic, and often most common form of custom application development. They're software programs that are built specifically for one client and one purpose.

Complex Custom Web Applications

Complex custom web applications can be broken down into two different categories: enterprise software and consumer software. These categories are based on how the application is used, who owns it, and how much money is spent on development.

Enterprise Software

Enterprise software is designed for businesses or organizations that have significant monetary resources at their disposal. This type of software is built for companies with large numbers of employees working together toward a common goal. Enterprise software typically includes features such as:

  • Collaboration tools: Enterprise collaboration tools allow people from multiple departments to collaborate with each other through email, instant messaging, and video conferencing tools.
  • Database management: Enterprise databases can store large amounts of information in an organized manner so that it can easily be accessed later by employees who need it. This type of database is often used by businesses that keep track of inventory levels or similar types of data.
  • Security: Enterprise software often includes security features that can ensure that sensitive data is not accessed by unauthorized personnel. For example, some systems use encryption to protect passwords and other private information while they are being stored on the company’s servers.
  • Business intelligence: Business intelligence tools are designed to help companies analyze their data for trends and patterns that can provide insight into how the business is doing. For example, a software company may use BI tools to monitor sales figures and identify when they are trending upward or downward.
  • Analytics: Analytics software can help companies understand their data better and make more informed business decisions. For example, if a company plans to launch a new product, analytics tools can be used to determine if there is enough demand for it among consumers.
  • Customer relationship management (CRM): CRM software focuses on helping companies manage and understand their customers. For example, if a company wants to focus on attracting new customers, they would use a CRM tool to identify who those customers are and what types of products they want to buy.

Consumer Software

Consumer software is used by individuals or small businesses to manage their personal finances, organize their calendars and files, and manage other aspects of daily life. For example, many people use consumer software to keep track of their finances so that they can monitor how much money they have coming in each month and how much goes out each week.

Consumer software includes many different types of programs. Some examples include:

  • Applications: These are programs that allow you to perform specific tasks like word processing, email, and photo editing. Applications are the most common type of consumer software available today.
  • Games: Games are fun ways to pass time and can also be educational if they teach you something new while you play. Many games also offer multiplayer options so you can compete against other players from around the world!
  • Utilities: Utilities are tools that help you perform simple tasks on your computer. For example, they may allow you to back up your files or organize them into categories so that it’s easier for you to find them later on. Utilities also include anti-virus software that scans files for viruses before opening them. Utilities make using computers much easier because they take care of many functions for us automatically without us having to do anything manually ourselves.

Frameworks for Custom Web App Development

Web application frameworks are tools used to build web applications. These tools help developers to create complex web apps without having to write all the code from scratch. They also come with a lot of pre-built functionality that can be used right away to get an app up and running quickly. There are many frameworks available in the market and each framework has its own benefits, drawbacks, and limitations.

Frameworks can be divided into two main categories: front-end and back-end frameworks. Front-end frameworks are used to build user interfaces, while back-end frameworks handle communication between the client and server.

Frontend Frameworks

The front end is what users see and interact with when they visit your site. It includes things like buttons, text boxes, and other elements that you can click on or type into when using a web page. It's the visual part of a website and is usually designed by web designers and developers.

Frontend frameworks are, as the name implies, frameworks for front-end development. They come with a lot of pre-built components that help you build websites faster and more efficiently. They can also be used to create mobile apps, although this is not their primary purpose.

There are a number of front-end frameworks available that offer a wide range of features. Some of them are listed below:


ReactJs is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces. It has gained huge popularity in recent years and is used in several applications by Facebook and other companies. It was created with the aim to make it easy for developers to create interactive interfaces that can be rendered on both web and mobile platforms, with or without a web server.


  • It's easy to learn: React's API is simple and intuitive, making it easy to learn for beginners. This makes it possible for even junior developers to get started with React without any problems or delays in development time.
  • It's fast: React uses one-way data flow and a virtual DOM so that only changes need to be updated in the browser instead of re-rendering the entire page or component whenever something changes. This makes React apps extremely fast! This is also a reason react is perfect for progressive web apps.
  • It supports JSX: JSX allows you to write HTML code directly into your JavaScript files without having to use any special XML syntax or anything like that - just write normal HTML code inside your JavaScript files.


  • React doesn't have any built-in support for things like routing or AJAX calls. These are things that most frameworks provide out of the box, so they don't need to be written by hand.
  • It’s hard to debug the code when there are multiple components involved. You need to understand how props and state work together to debug your app.

Learn more about React from the official docs.


Vue.js is a JavaScript framework for building web interfaces that uses an HTML-based template syntax. It was created by Evan You, who has also created Meteor and Laravel. The idea behind Vue came from the desire to have a simpler way of building single-page applications, where the focus is on adding behavior to components rather than creating complex pages.


  • Simpler Syntax - The syntax of Vue is more straightforward than other frameworks, making it easier to learn. This also makes Vue more accessible for beginners looking to get started with JavaScript frameworks like Angular or React.
  • Simple Data Binding - Data binding in Vue is simple, which makes it easy to understand how your data changes affect your UI. In addition, there are no "controllers" or "models" as in other frameworks like Angular or Backbone; instead, all data access takes place through props (short for properties). Props are passed down from one component to another using v-bind or v-on (more on this later).


  • Vue hasn't been around as long as some other frameworks. This means that there might not be quite as much third-party support for Vue as there is for other frameworks.
  • Limited support for server-side rendering

Learn more about Vue here.


AngularJs is a JavaScript framework for building web applications, which was developed and maintained by Google. It is an open-source, cross-platform, and completely extensible framework. It provides many built-in features like routing, data binding, dependency injection, and many more.


  • Declarative templates with data-binding: AngularJs has declarative templates that make it easy to define how your application looks without writing any code behind it. These templates are written in HTML and they automatically update whenever the data changes in your model layer (i.e., server-side).
  • Maintainability – AngularJS provides good maintainability by allowing developers to separate application logic from presentation logic into two parts: controllers and views (HTML).


  • It takes longer than other frameworks because it needs more boilerplate code than other frameworks such as ReactJS or VueJS.
  • AngularJS applications are very complex. It's very easy to get lost in all the boilerplate that comes with using AngularJS. You'll also need to understand how AngularJS works and why things are done a certain way before you can make sense of your application's architecture and start writing tests for it.

Backend Frameworks

The back-end is the part of an application that processes user requests and performs the necessary computations to generate a response. It's often referred to as the "business logic" in an application.

The back-end can be written in any of a number of different programming languages such as C#, Java, or JavaScript.

Back-end frameworks are similar to front-end frameworks, except they are used on the backend of an application. They provide a set of tools and libraries for building APIs, managing databases, and routing requests in a way that's more efficient than writing code from scratch.

Some of the more popular backend frameworks include:

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a web framework that was created by David Heinemeier Hansson and released in 2005. It is used for developing web applications for the Ruby programming language, which is a dynamic and object-oriented language. It has an MVC framework, which means it separates the logic of an application into models, views, and controllers.


  • Easy to learn: Ruby On Rails is quite easy to learn compared to other programming languages such as PHP or C#. It doesn't require much of a learning curve either, which means that you can start coding right away without having to spend too much time learning about the language itself first.
  • Rails is known for its productivity and MVC architecture. It's easy for developers to learn and use because it follows conventions over configuration. The framework is also well-documented, with hundreds of books and tutorials available online, along with an active community that answers questions in forums like Stack Overflow and IRC channels like #rails-chat on Freenode.


  • The performance of Ruby On Rails is not as good as it could be because many files are being loaded at once, which increases loading time and considerably slows down your website or app’s performance.
  • Rails has been criticized as being too opinionated and inflexible, although this can be an advantage in some cases where you want to build a specific type of application (e.g., simple CRUD applications).

Learn RoR here.


Django is a high-level Python MVT framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel.


  • Development speed and productivity - Django enables you to develop complex applications in less time and with more ease than other frameworks. It offers a large collection of built-in features that make your life easier.
  • Security - Django comes with built-in security features such as CSRF protection, password hashing, secure cookies, and more! So you can easily build user authentication systems.


  • It can be difficult to get started without prior knowledge of Python.
  • Not suitable for small projects because the Django project contains a lot of boilerplate code.


NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. NodeJS is used to develop server-side and networking applications. It is lightweight, fast, and scalable. Its simplicity makes it easy to learn, use, and share with other developers.


  • Fast Development: NodeJS requires fewer lines of code than other languages because it uses event-driven architecture instead of threads, which makes it easy for developers to develop fast web applications.
  • Low resource usage: Since NodeJS was created with performance in mind, it's no surprise that it uses very few resources compared to other programming languages such as Java or C++.


  • Node.js is not suitable for every project because it uses a single-threaded event loop model based on an asynchronous I/O model that makes it difficult to handle multiple requests at once.
  • Not suitable for high performance and large applications.


If you're thinking about building a custom web application, whether it's for your business, organization, or personal use, the information above should prove helpful. Just remember to research your app idea beforehand—you don't want to spend months working on a project that turns out to be a waste of time and money simply because the demand isn't there. Though many people are wary of custom web app development because it can be challenging and expensive, with the right development team in place, these applications can benefit both your business and your clients.
