Web Application Architecture - Modern Guide

Discover the application architecture best practices and learn what the web app architecture consists of. Find new opportunities today.

Written by RamotionApr 6, 202216 min read

Last updated: Aug 29, 2024

An effective web application architecture always resonates with a successful product and is critical for your data flow channels to accomplish business objectives. It serves as a template for the data flow that can be used to eliminate issues of your business successfully. A carefully crafted web-based application architecture with quality functionalities offers a solid UX for its consumers. It decreases the possibility that your app might crash, hence avoiding downtime.

So if you can find an expert team for your idea, they will surely understand how to implement at least basic web application architecture. Before that, you should have a clear understanding of what is an enterprise web application architecture to accomplish this. You have to ask yourself: “Does my architecture fit for the future or is it capable of scaling for the market? “

The list of questions can go on and on. However, there might be particular difficulty in determining the right solution unless you have a firm grasp of modern web application architecture. Thus, our experts how make web and app development for startup companies have specifically prepared this article for you.

Web Application Architecture Definition

So, for example, whenever a user clicks the button after typing a URL in a web browser, the visual web page is requested. The server transmits data to the browser in response to the request. The browser processes the requested files to display the web page. As the last step, the user gains access to the website's functionality. The critical point to remember here is that the web browser parses the code. The same concept works for a web application.

This code may or may not include instructions instructing the browser to handle user inputs or requests. Thus, a modern web app architecture must encompass components and external application interfaces for the software program to be functioning.

Web app architectures design is critical in today's world since a significant amount of global network traffic and most apps and gadgets communicate via the web. Architecture for web application must be efficient, but it should also be scalable and secure.

Web App Architecture Importance

A lot of people may constantly ask the topic of how to understand application architecture and its importance. Market trends shift constantly, consumer expectations evolve, and a business's growth grows more. A large web application architecture requires a solid foundation. Without one, your business may fail as a giant ball of mud architecture.

A well-designed web application architecture can easily handle many requests and adapt to business requirements, resulting in a fast user experience. That subsequently increases the app's performance. Additionally, you can tackle multiple development jobs concurrently by separating the structure into various modules, decreasing development time.

Software architecture web application splits the web app into different pieces secured independently to minimize security vulnerabilities and malicious code. Additionally, various apps that have a solid architecture plan enable the addition of new features while maintaining minimal latency, even as the user base grows.

Thus, to summarize, a solid web application architecture involves faster business processes in the online business, subsequently enhancing the application's performance. As a result, you can delegate the tasks according to your schedule.

Difference between software architecture and software design

Lots of entrepreneurs or junior programmers believe that software architecture and software design are the same terms, and there is little to no difference whatsoever. However, this is not exactly true, as these terms are completely different. Let’s see why so many people get confused with them.

Software architecture is a typical web application architecture for a system's high-level components and interactions. It becomes easier to see the larger picture while using a software architecture. The primary objective of such architecture is to manage functional and quality requirements to improve an application's overall quality. Thus, the right approach for architecting a web application will control the given app's performance, scalability, and dependability.

When it comes to software design, this term encompasses code level design, responsible for the functionality and purpose of each app module. It is the method by which software is developed. After you've completed the architecture phase, it's time for a software designer to consider the app's functions, classes, interfaces, and other code application architecture concepts.

For example, suppose you're going to develop an API, and you need to write its specifications. That’s where software design kicks in. As a result, developers can operate within that specification during the coding phase. Thus, with innovation, programmers now have an effective, shared language for resolving various programming language difficulties. It reduces the amount of work they have to do by eliminating the necessity to reinvent the code repeatedly.

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How Does a Secure Web Application Architecture Work?

The web application architecture operates straightforwardly that probably any web service works on the Internet. Typically, two distinct pieces of code (or sub-programs) are executed concurrently in a common web application. These include the following:

  • Client-side Code - Code resides in the browser and is invoked in response to user input.
  • Server-side Code - The code resides on the server and basically responds to any HTTP requests.

A development team is responsible for building the web application and determines how the server code interacts with the browser code. Any program capable of responding to HTTP requests can operate on a server. The server-side code is in charge of constructing the page requested by the user and storing various forms of data, such as user profiles and user input. The final user never sees it.

The client-side code is written in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The web browser parses this code. The client-side code can be edited by the user, as the client-side is responsive to any input. The client-side code interfaces with the server solely via HTTP requests and cannot read files directly from the server.

The Web Application Architecture Diagram

A web application architecture diagram is a simple framework that activates all of the interactions among architecture components. In short, cloud architecture for web application has a client-server application with various UI elements, insights, databases, and middleware processes. However, the list does not finish here; there are a few additional items:


DNS, is a system that searches for IP addresses, and domain names. A specific server accepts a request from a user in this manner. Therefore, DNS is an architectural concept that works very similar to a directory of Internet websites.

Load balancer

The Load Balancer's primary responsibility is to route incoming requests to one of the numerous servers. Typically, servers exist as multiple versions that are mirror images of one another. Thus, each server processes requests similarly, and the load balancer distributes tasks to avoid overcharging.

Web application servers

This server component acts as an app descriptor, processing user requests and returning specific data to the browser. This term is frequently used to refer to back-end elements, like a cache server, database, and task queue. Moreover, the requests from users are usually processed by two servers connected to the load balancer.


A database is equipped with many tools for creating, organizing, updating, searching, removing, and conducting various calculations. Typically, web app servers communicate directly with job servers.

Service caching

Caching services are used to store data and subsequently faster search processes. Caching occurs when a user requests information from the specific server. As a result, subsequent requests will be processed more quickly.

Components of Web Application Architecture

Web application components are available in three distinct models. It is directly proportional to the number of services and databases a web application utilizes. But there is also an option for various server services that differ from the three standard models. They are as follows:

One Web Server, One Database

This server is unique in that it utilizes a single server and database. As a result, this model is the least trustworthy of the three. When the server fails, a model of this type fails as well. As a result, this approach is not frequently employed for developing online applications. Nonetheless, it is commonly used to test projects and learn and comprehend web applications' principles.

Multiple Web Servers, One Database

This modern web application design example has an unusual feature: it contains no data. When a client submits data to the web server, it is processed and written to the database, but data management occurs outside the webserver. That is referred to as the stateless architecture of modern web applications.

Web app developers operate at least two web servers for the given web app architecture. It is really critical for increasing the model's reliability if one server fails. Another will take over. Thus, all requests will be instantly routed to the new server without impacting the web application's functionality in a server failure. As a result, this latest web application architecture is more dependable than relying on a single server. However, if the database is corrupted, the program will crash.

Multiple Web Server, Multiple Databases

That is the most effective and dependable paradigm for web applications. This is because both servers and databases have many possible substitutes. Thus, there are two possible outcomes in the event of a failure: storing data in databases or equitably distributing it across them. In any case, the website will be secure.

If you share the data, some of the data may become unavailable. However, this scenario accurately captures a database's crush.

Application Services

Application services (microservices and serverless) are typically more agile due to their ease of upgrading and scaling. By implementing this concept, web servers can be divided into smaller components: 'services' into microservices and 'functions' in serverless. Thus, independently altering and scaling any of them is more straightforward.

Web Application Architecture Layers

Modern online applications are layered, including presentation, business, persistence, and database layers. Small applications have three levels, with the business and persistence layers combining to form a single layer in some circumstances, whereas big applications have five or six layers.

Presentation layer

The presentation layer is accessible to users via a browser. It has user interface components that facilitate system interaction and is built on 3 core web app technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While HTML is the coding that dictates the content of your website, CSS determines how it will look. JavaScript and its frameworks enable your website to be interactive — to respond to the activities of a user. To create dynamic and cretive content on the website, developers often use various frameworks.

Business layer

Business layer typically accepts user requests from the browser, processes them, and decides the data access routes. The business layer contains the procedures that govern the movement of data and requests through the back end. For instance, if you have a booking website, your logic will be in charge of the sequence of events that a tourist will experience when booking a room. While business rules express business logic, they are not synonymous with it.

Persistence layer

Also known as the storage layer, the persistence layer is a centralized layer that receives all data requests and provides access to an app’s storage. The persistence layer is tightly coupled to the business layer, which enables the logic to communicate with the appropriate database and optimizes the data retrieval process.

The data storage infrastructure consists of a server, a database, software for communicating with the database, various apps and UIs for retrieving and parsing data. Typically, you can keep your data on-premises or in the cloud – that is, you can acquire data center administration and maintenance services while accessing your store remotely. By utilizing cloud technology providers such as Google, or Microsoft, you can manage your cloud infrastructure via IaaS, PaaS, or serverless methods. Additionally, some components are typically present in all web applications but are not part of the primary layers:

Cross-cutting code

The cross-cutting code handles various small application tasks such as communication, operational management, and security protocols. It impacts upon every element of the system. However, it should never be mixed with them.

Integrations with third-party services

Payment gateways,and GDSs on travel websites are the examples of integrations that are connected to the back end of the program via pieces of code called APIs. They enable your software to access data from other programs and extend its capabilities without rewriting it entirely.

Each of these layers operates independently. That means that each layer is self-contained. One layer's components are closed and responsible for the logic of the corresponding layer. For instance, components in the presentation layer are responsible for presentation logic, whereas components in the business layer are responsible for business logic.

Additionally, it alleviates future burdens associated with web application changes. As a result, alterations to one layer do not influence the components of other layers.

Types of Web Application Architecture

Typically a solid and a good practice for most of the entrepreneurs and business owners is to select the most appropriate system architecture for web application. At the same time, they should organize their ideas, such as app logic, features, functionality, business requirements, etc. A solid and correct application architecture in software engineering will determine the purpose of your product.

Regardless of how blurred the distinction between frontend and backend development has become, web applications require both. Let us examine what are the different types of application architectures independently.

Application on a Single Page (SPAs)

Single-page applications, or SPAs, are designed to aid programmers in their work. A user does not need to load new pages each time they act on a website. Rather than that, customers can engage with it and receive updates to the current page's content.

This style of web design architecture is developed so that it just demands the actual content and data. As a result, SPAs minimize disruptions to user activities, resulting in a more natural and dynamic user experience. By the way, the most frequently used programming language in this type of design is JavaScript.

Application Rendered on the Server (SSR)

SSR is the process of converting a Javascript framework-based client-side website to HTML and CSS on the server. With the use of this tool, it is possible to rapidly provide the most critical assets, thereby increasing the browser's speed and reducing the time required to render the page to the user.

When creating an SSR application, the server compiles all the data and serves each request as a new HTML document. Once the browser receives the CSS, it can paint the UI without waiting for JavaScript to load. That is how the page gets rendered faster.


Microservices is one of the SOA architectures (service-oriented architecture). Microservices, in general, are small, lightweight services that perform a single function. That is a highly efficient and productive method of web architecture design. Developers can save a lot of time and money by utilizing it.

Because the microservices components do not need to be written in the same programming language, they are not interconnected. That means that developers can use whichever technology they want, which speeds up and simplifies the creation of microservices web application architectures.

Architecture Without Servers

The name implies that a serverless application architecture overview is devoid of servers. That is not the case. Indeed, it indicates that deploying and operating management software-enabled servers is no longer necessary. However, third-party vendors sustain the entire infrastructure. A third-party vendor contributes the server and infrastructure management outsourcing.

In that case, the developer will consult with a chosen third-party cloud infrastructure provider to manage the infrastructure in the current online application architecture.

If you're not enthusiastic about managing and supporting servers and hardware, serverless architecture is a godsend. This approach is advantageous because it allows you to launch the code while keeping the infrastructure intact.

Application Architecture Best Practices

While designing architecture is a necessary initial phase, your web app success depends on the architectural patterns you select. Copying famous web app ideas might do more harm than good, as they frequently do not meet your business objectives. There are a few best practices you may follow to avoid such situations. Ascertain that the architecture of your web application includes the following:

  • Consistency: The web architecture should approach all development difficulties consistently. You must assess an application's requirements to identify a solution that addresses most of your development objectives.
  • Simplicity: if there is a method to design your program with a minimal architecture, take it. While it is understandable to consider prospective scale and expression, there is no reason to overcomplicate things "just in case."
  • Rapid performance: if possible, keep your architecture as light and responsive as possible. Analyze the industry's finest web apps and benchmark their page load time and responsiveness to establish criteria for your product.
  • Maintenance capability: the web application architecture example should be capable of identifying and repairing problems on its own;
  • Automation: You must immediately begin developing your web application with a location in mind. Automate as much development, testing, and deployment as possible - this will come in handy when the software grows in size.
  • Data management is error-free and straightforward: pay attention to your data storage and processing procedures. Select the most straightforward methods for database management and avoid technical debt.


A full stack web application architecture defines your program's critical performance and functionality features. Additionally, it will outline search engine optimization practices, user interface/user experience (UI/UX) design, data processing, and security. The architecture is, without a doubt, the application's backbone. That is why selecting the web application architecture is the most critical decision you'll make throughout the development process.

There are various things that teams may take to ensure they make the best choice possible. You've almost completed the first stage, which is research. By this time, you've mastered the fundamentals of web application construction and are familiar with the practical distinctions between them. The second stage is to obtain a second professional opinion. Web application architects regularly work with web application architecture patterns and understand how to determine the optimal development technique for a specific project.

We suggest you carefully weigh and discuss all possible approaches to developing distributed web application architecture if your firm is big. It can be a big decision in your early stages. So you don’t want to misalign or misunderstand some of the most foundational aspects of your web application. At the same time, try to find an expert development team to support your web application architecture in java, for example, or in any other programming language that will suit your business needs. Hopefully, this article will help you advance your business and develop your web application and foundations for a better online presence.
