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Startup Pivot Strategies for Successful Business Growth

Learn how to pivot your startup successfully with our strategies. Explore business model, strategy, and product market fit to raise money and grow your company.

Written by RamotionApr 6, 202316 min read

Last updated: Feb 16, 2024

A startup pivot is a crucial move for any company seeking to stay afloat and continue growing in an ever-changing business environment. It enables companies to respond to changing market conditions, customer demands, or changes in the sector that may have an influence on their performance.

A customer segmentation pivot, for example, is a frequent pivot in which businesses shift their target markets to attract new consumers or react to changing consumer preferences.

A technological pivot is another example, in which companies start using new technologies to remain competitive in the market. For instance, PayPal started as a security software company before pivoting to online payment processing, which eventually formed the basis of its business model.

This article will cover various business pivots, why startups pivot, and ways to ensure a successful shift. We will also discuss when and how to pivot a startup, as well as alternatives to pivoting that can maintain a startup's position in the market.

Pivoting might entail, for instance, modifying the business's promotional approach to target a new consumer category, offering an innovative service or product to fulfill evolving customer needs or making adjustments to the pricing plan to boost competitiveness. Design services for startups can play a crucial role in enabling these strategic changes and ensuring that they align with the company's overall vision and goals.

A startup pivot, in summary, is all about making strategic changes to maintain the company’s competitiveness and profitability in a quickly changing industry.

Different Types of Pivots

1. Zoom-In

A zoom-in pivot is when a startup narrows its emphasis to a certain feature or component of its product or service that is finding momentum with clients, the rest of the business is built around it. This pivot assists the business in locating and maintaining focus by providing the minimum viable product (MVP) as soon as feasible.

2. Zoom-Out

A zoom-out pivot involves expanding a company's offerings beyond its current niche or target market, typically by exploring new product categories or untapped markets.

This pivot is often driven by indirect customer feedback, market research, or changes in the competitive landscape.

For instance, a software company might pivot by expanding into hardware or vice versa to capture a new customer segment or market.

3. Customer Segment

A customer segment pivot is when a company changes its target audience to reach a new group of customers.

For instance, startups initially targeting working professionals might find that college students represent a more profitable customer base for their products or services. In this case, companies can pivot by shifting their marketing strategy and product features to appeal to college students.

4. Customer Need

Similar to a customer segment pivot, a customer need pivot involves a shift in a company's existing product or service to meet the changing needs of its customers within its current market or customer segment. This pivot is usually triggered by customer feedback or changes in the market.

For instance, after finding a high demand among households with children, a food delivery startup changed its strategy to include evening and weekend delivery services in addition to their original daytime deliveries.

This business pivot allows the company to adjust its business model to meet the changing needs of its customers and remain competitive within its current market.

5. Business Architecture Pivot

A business architecture pivot is a significant shift in a company's underlying structure or business model. This pivot typically involves changing the way startups make money, conduct market research, develop their marketing strategy, or acquire new skills or technologies. It is often driven by direct or indirect feedback from the market and requires a significant investment of time and resources.

Netflix's shift from DVD rental to a subscription-based streaming platform is a great example of a successful architecture pivot.

6. Platform Pivot

A platform pivot involves changing the way a company delivers its products or services to customers. For example, a physical product company may pivot to a digital platform due to demand. For instance, a book rental service may pivot to a digital platform to offer e-books on a subscription basis.

This pivot requires new skills, changes in business strategy, and investments in new technologies to support the platform.

7. Value Capture Pivot

For startups, money is a critical aspect of a value capture pivot, which involves identifying new and innovative ways to monetize their products or services. By exploring different revenue streams and pricing models, startups can capture more value from their offerings, enhance their profitability, and achieve sustainable growth.

For example, a social media platform can offer free subscriptions to attract new users, but later introduce a premium subscription for advanced features or ad-free material to establish a stable and consistent revenue stream.

8. Channel Pivot

A channel pivot involves changing a company's sales or distribution channel, which requires adjustments to pricing, features, and competitive positioning. For example, a clothing retailer shifting from physical stores to e-commerce needs to adapt its business model, marketing strategies, and product offerings to appeal to online shoppers.

This pivot can broaden the customer base, increase sales, and profitability.

9. Technology Pivot

A technology pivot can be a life-changing strategy for startups and businesses that have recently raised money as it can help them to stay relevant in a rapidly changing market and attract more customers. By adopting new technologies, companies can improve their existing products or services and expand their customer base.

Airbnb is a prime example of a successful pivot, using technology like online reviews and instant booking to expand its services and establish itself as a leader in the sharing economy.

Factors that Lead to Startup Pivots

Startups may undergo pivots for various reasons, including:

Lack of Product-Market Fit

When a startup discovers that its existing product or service is not resonating with its intended audience, it could be a sign of a lack of product-market fit.

As an example, a startup introduces a meal kit delivery service for busy working professionals who want healthy meals in the comfort of their homes but are too occupied to go grocery shopping and create a meal plan. After launching the service, they discover that their target demographic has no interest in the meal kit delivery service, instead opting to go out to eat or order takeout.

This prompts the startup to assess its product-market fit and identify different potential markets or services that meet the customer's needs and desires better.

Doing this may require the startup to conduct market research, solicit customer feedback, and make adjustments to its product or service. Thus, the startup must review its product-market fit and consider different options that more closely fit customer requirements and tastes.

Changes in Market Conditions

When the market environment changes, startups need to adjust accordingly. Take, for instance, a startup specializing in virtual reality (VR) headsets. Following their launch, the sector experiences saturation, and the product demand wanes.

To remain competitive, the startup may need to pivot its business model, possibly by introducing augmented reality (AR) technology or providing businesses with VR experiences.

Alternatively, they could revise their existing product or service to fit with the current consumer wants and needs. This may involve analyzing market trends, soliciting customer reviews, and altering the item or service accordingly.

Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is a key component for companies that wish to upgrade their products and services.

Direct feedback, for instance through surveys, is received from customers, while indirect feedback is inferred from customer behavior or other data sources. Though indirect feedback can be harder to understand, it can provide insights into customer preferences and needs.

By evaluating both types of feedback, startups can gain a better understanding of customer needs, identify areas for improvement, and make strategic pivots to better serve their target market.

Growth Pivot

Businesses can pivot their strategies to extend their reach into new markets, target distinct customer segments, or introduce novel products.

Growth pivot can include expanding into foreign markets and reconfiguring products to match the needs of customers in that region.

For example, an Asian clothing business may modify its offering in order to effectively enter the European market and meet consumer needs within the new location.

Lean Startup Methodology

The lean startup methodology allows startups to gain valuable insight into the development of their product. By collecting responses from the initial user base and using that data to alter their approach and adjust their business model, companies can adapt to new market conditions and make changes that may take them down an entirely new path. This way, startups can challenge any pre-existing assumptions and discover more fruitful opportunities for growth.

As an entrepreneur, knowing when to pivot your startup is one of the most crucial decisions you will ever make. It is not an easy decision to make, and many entrepreneurs struggle with identifying when a pivot is necessary.

The truth is, recognizing the signs that indicate a need for a new strategy is not always straightforward. However, there are some common signals that indicate a pivot may be necessary.

When to Pivot a Startup

Here are some of the most common signs that your startup may need to pivot:

1. Your company is always playing catch-up

If your company is struggling to keep up with competitors, despite the amount of work you are putting into it, you may need to consider pivoting. This may mean pivoting your business or revenue model, product, or market.

2. There's too much competition

Your idea may seem unique and original at first, but there's always the chance that a bigger company with more resources, funding, and a built-in audience will come along and create an offering that's similar to yours, only better. If this is the case, your startup is probably better off doing something completely different.

3. Your company has hit a plateau

If you notice slow (or no) progress in your company's development, then it's possible it's hit a plateau. This could be due to tedium, an uninspired team, or merely a flawed tactic. However, despite the reason, it’s high time to change direction.

4. One product or service gets the most traction

If only one aspect of your company is succeeding and the rest are failing, or at least moving slowly, then that may mean that your company should focus on capitalizing on what's working and change or completely ditch what isn't working.

5. There's a limited response from your marketplace

Despite doing all of the customer development and research in the world, if you receive a lukewarm response to the first release of your offering, it may be an indication that your startup needs to pivot.

While marketing and PR can generate buzz and convince people of the value of your product, you can only do so much to change their minds.

Recognizing when to pivot a startup is crucial for its success. By keeping an eye out for the common signals that indicate a pivot may be necessary, you can make informed decisions about the direction of your company and increase your chances of success.

Having explored the different types of startup pivots, let’s take a look at three very successful pivots that recently took place

Successful Companies That Pivoted

1. Twitter

Originally, Twitter was designed as a platform for podcasting before pivoting to a micro-blogging platform. This change allowed Twitter to grow rapidly and become the widely used social media platform it is today.

2. Instagram

Initially, Instagram was designed as a location-based social network before pivoting to a photo-sharing app. This pivot proved to be a game-changer, and Instagram became one of the most popular social media platforms globally.

3. Slack

Slack originally started as a game developer before pivoting to a communication tool for businesses. This pivot proved successful and Slack became a widely used platform for remote teams and businesses.

How to Pivot Your Business

Once you've decided to pivot your business, you must consider the multiple aspects that go into a successful pivot.

Here are some pointers to assist you to lessen the dangers of pivoting and boost your chances of a profitable outcome:

1. Make sure to create opportunities for growth when pivoting

When you pivot your company, it can often be a helpful decision to overcome a roadblock, however, if you fail to take into account the opportunities for growth and expansion, you risk getting stuck in a similar situation once more. In order to ensure that you don't fall back into this problem, consider the potential avenues for growth in your new direction and, if necessary, carry on searching for a better path.

2. Do not procrastinate

Changing course multiple times is often part and parcel of the entrepreneurial process and should not discourage you. But, if you decide to pivot your company, you should not postpone it to avoid any unnecessary wastage of time and other valuable resources.

3. Set goals that align with your vision

Before deciding on a new direction for your company, it's crucial to take the time to reflect on what you want to achieve and how you want to impact the world.

By setting clear and measurable business goals, you can ensure that your company is moving in the right direction and making progress toward your ultimate vision. These goals should be specific, realistic, and achievable within a reasonable timeframe.

4. Analyze your target demographic and the problems they are currently facing

If you're unable to identify a flaw with your product, but sales remain low, then you may not be reaching the right consumers.

For example, you may have developed a SaaS tool meant for customers but is best suited for B2B companies. A shift in marketing strategies to better target the latter may be necessary in order to effectively increase your sales.

5. Take note of customer feedback

In order to assess whether a pivot is necessary, take heed of customer feedback and criticisms that they provide. If they make complaints such as being too expensive, having limited features, or having a complex purchasing process, it could be an indicator that it's time to pivot in a different direction.

6. Use your current resources

Though it might not always be a drastic alteration, you still need to carefully identify which elements of your current business can be reused and implemented in your new plan. The effort you have already put in and the resources you have should not go to waste, but be taken into consideration when pivoting.

Common mistakes to avoid during the pivot process

Now that we have outlined the strategies for pivoting a startup, let’s take a look at the potential pitfalls you may face throughout the process.

1. Lack of planning

Strategic planning is vital for any startup looking to pivot, as it helps ensure that the pivot addresses the startup's problems and doesn't result in wasted effort and resources.

Market research and analysis, as well as gathering customer feedback, should be carried out to create a comprehensive pivot plan with clear goals, timelines, and metrics for measuring progress.

Additionally, there should be a contingency plan in case the pivot does not succeed as anticipated, including allocating extra resources and developing alternative business strategies.

2. Losing sight of the core problem

To avoid missteps in the pivot process, companies should stay dedicated to their core problem statement and ensure that any pivot strategy aligns with it. They should continuously consider the core customer needs and value proposition while assessing potential new directions.

A pivot should be a calculated move with clear objectives and metrics, regularly evaluated to ensure progress towards goals. By staying focused on the root issue, companies can avoid being sidetracked by unsuitable opportunities.

3. Poor communication

Effective communication during the pivot process is crucial for startups. A clear and concise pivot plan should be communicated to all stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, and partners. A communication plan should be developed to outline the information, delivery methods, and frequency of updates.

Additionally, it is imperative to take into account feedback and concerns from stakeholders and to address them adequately. This can help build trust and preserve support during the transition.

4. Lack of flexibility

Adopting new methods and technologies may be risky, which is why many businesses choose to stay with tried-and-true tactics. It's crucial to understand, though, that a lack of adaptability can result in stagnation and eventually impede a company's long-term development.

As a result, striking an equilibrium between adhering to fundamental principles and being open to novel concepts is essential for success.

Alternatives to Business Pivot

There are various alternative business strategies for pivoting that are dependent on the objectives and unique conditions of the company.

Here are some of them:


This approach involves enlarging the business into different domains or lines of products. As opposed to modifying the direction of the business significantly, the firm can draw on its current assets and capabilities to spread into relevant fields. For example, a fashion store might broaden its operations into accessories or home items.


This tactic includes improving the efficacy and productivity of current activities or goods. By perfecting their current offerings, businesses can enhance profits and client satisfaction without switching their business plan altogether. For example, a software developer might make their product more user-friendly by revising the user interface.


This method involves designing novel products or services that are congruent with the existing business model. By staying ahead of the trend and introducing new items, companies can retain customers and gain new ones. For instance, a meal delivery service could add a novel type of cuisine or introduce a plant-based option.

When contrasting these approaches to a startup pivot, it is essential to note that pivoting includes a crucial modification of the business model or target audience. Whereas diversification, optimization, and innovation can aid a business to develop and progress, they do not require the same amount of risk and uncertainty as a pivot.

A pivot may be an unavoidable step for a struggling startup that needs to change its strategy in order to succeed, but it can also be a challenging and disruptive process.

On the other hand, the aforementioned strategies can be gradually implemented with lesser risks, but may not bring the same amount of change as a pivot. In the end, the most suitable approach would depend on the company’s needs and objectives.


Successful pivots are essential for creating a business that lasts. By being open to new opportunities and making strategic decisions, startups can greatly increase their chances of success in a constantly changing business landscape. Companies that can adjust quickly and take risks to achieve their objectives will have a distinct advantage over their competitors.

To succeed with a pivot, startups need a well-defined mission and must be prepared to make daring decisions to reach that goal. This will help them craft a successful, enduring business that can withstand any challenges.
