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Six Reasons Why You Need to Hire Developers For Your Startup

If you aim to create a competitive business - you need to hire developers for startup. It helps to avoid common mistakes and launch an app quickly.

Written by RamotionAug 7, 202220 min read

Last updated: Aug 29, 2024

Today, more and more IT startups appear on the market, for which software or an application is the basis of a business. Therefore, choosing the right contractor is essential to implement a business idea competently because the final result depends on him. Thus, this article will discuss why hiring developers for a startup is so important.

If you have a unique idea for a startup but don't know how to implement it correctly, then you need a developer. With its help, you can not only create a profitable business but also minimize all kinds of risks that cannot be avoided if you create a business from scratch.

Reasons for Hiring Developers for Startup

To technically competently implement a startup and at the same time save time and money, it is best to hire a development team.

Outsourcing a full-cycle digital agency will help you save time on development, during which you can entirely focus on other aspects of your business, such as marketing and development.

Reasons to hire a development team:

1. Experience

An experienced team that has already implemented many projects can be of great benefit even at the planning stages. It will help to consider all the necessary nuances and avoid typical mistakes that all novice businessmen make.

By hiring a development team, you will receive the implementation of your project and a complete package of consultations, from architecture and design to monetization and marketing. Digital agencies work with startups from the very first stage - opening, including market research and interviews with users, resulting in a product prototype.

2. Full cycle of services

The development team is also helpful for startups because it can provide full-cycle services, from project planning, cost estimation, wireframe creation, UI / UX design, and software development. This way, you won't need to hire other experts.

3. Availability anywhere in the world

You are not limited by your geographic location when you decide to outsource product development. Therefore, you have a massive choice of options for implementing your project.

4. Convenient management

When you hire a development team, you don't have to worry about internal processes. Instead, each team has a project manager who will be your main point of contact for any questions you may have.

The project manager creates a project implementation plan, sets deadlines, and controls all stages.

5. Effective communication within the team

Gathering a team of freelancers from different countries may be cheaper, but there will inevitably be communication problems between specialists. In the agency, as a rule, everyone knows each other and has experience working together. As a result, roles, responsibilities, skills, and reporting lines are known in advance, and no time is wasted creating a team.

In addition, the development team already has all the tools and platforms for effective communication, for example, a workspace in Slack, a project on GitHub, a board in Trello, or Asana.

6. Quality assurance

Working with an agency, you get a guarantee of quality by signing an agreement, you can protect yourself from fraud. Digital agencies are mainly focused on customer satisfaction and value their reputation. This means a lot to the final quality of your project.

Places to Find Application Developers For Startup

Option 1 - freelance online platform

Today there are many recruitment agencies or freelance databases for remote work where you can place any job description, find freelance developers with a tech talent and hire developers. Among them we can mention Upwork, Toptal, Revelo, Supersourcing, CadCrowd and others.


Upwork - an online platform which connects businesses with independent professionals and agencies around the globe. Where companies and freelancers work together in new ways that unlock their potential.

Upwork allows customers to create online development teams. Coordination and payment takes place with the help of the company's software and website. Potential clients can post projects for free, and freelancers can create profiles and bid on projects, also for free.

In addition to a project platform, payment and accounting services, the company offers a collaborative software, the "Upwork Team App", that allows clients to see a freelancer's work progress while they are on billable hours.


Toptal is an online network where you may find freelance software developers, designers, finance experts, product managers, and project managers in the world.

The company is constantly expanding its staff and allows users to select candidates from a wide list. In 2016, the company acquired the freelance platform Skillbridge, which offered freelance accountants, statisticians and consultants in the areas of market research, financial modeling and due diligence. Later, she also launched a vertical specializing in software engineers and designers for the automotive industry. In addition, the company also launched a vertical for blockchain engineers.


Revelo helps people in hiring developers outside the US when it comes to dealing with payroll, taxes, and compliance.This platform covers all that and more. It lets you focus on building while the platform handles all the paperwork.

The site helps people get rid of the old problem - a long search for freelance candidates. To make this process quick and easy, you can create a search ad on the site that clearly describes what you are looking for. You then need to review all of the responses to determine which candidate best suits your needs. After the first two stages, you will be asked to conduct an interview and ask questions to the candidates. After the interview, you must select a candidate and wait for confirmation from him that he is ready to work with you.


This website allows people around the world to hire remote developers for different projects.

The company has more than 9 years of experience in the IT industry, so it understands the pain points caused by the inability to successfully outsource. Supersourcing is designed for both early-stage startups and businesses that are looking for highly skilled remote professionals to work on their projects. 7 out of 10 startups say recruiting is their biggest problem. That is why the company is trying to solve this problem for people and help them find good specialists.


Cad Crowd helps clients hire vetted CAD designers and freelance engineers to make all the business processes easier.

Cad Crowd has its own team of expert quality control engineers. They carefully monitor the quality of the work performed and check the projects for accuracy. The company guarantees customers consistent quality, which is completed on time and within budget. Cad Crowd does not incur the overhead costs of a traditional engineering firm and offers a more affordable service, which is also a major benefit.

The platform allows businesses and individuals to hire qualified professional CAD designers and 3D modeling professionals with proven experience and expertise, or to post design contests and view entries from multiple entrants.

Disadvantages of freelance platforms

However, application development is a complex multi-stage process, so even if you hire startup developers with soft skills on a freelance platform, they will not be able to perform tasks from different areas at the same high level.

Suppose you find software developer familiar with design, tech stack, and app development. Freelance developer did his part, but will he be able to make business analysis - analyze user behavior to create a sought-after and intuitive business product according to the company culture?

Users want a convenient and understandable service, so you need to think through every step in advance. That is why a dedicated team of full time developers with technical knowledge is required to develop an application. However, it is difficult for one person to consider this complex process's nuances.

In the case of hiring freelance developers from a freelance database, there is a high probability that you will receive an application without errors, but it will not be in demand. And you will learn about it only at the final stage - when you enter the market.

Thus, most startups either risk getting disappointed after launching a startup made by a freelance developer, or you have to find several different specialists at once to work on your projects. But it is pretty tricky for startup owners to select various specialists for one project so that they agree on business processes and build good relationships with each other. So that is why there is a second option:

Option 2 - hire a team of developers

This option involves two variations - a tech team that works with the company's staff (in house team) and a remote team of full stack developers.

Company's staff

It would seem that having a team in the company's staff is convenient and profitable. However, if your startup is in the development phase, this can be a waste of money. In addition, additional costs are added - office and office equipment, wages, and lost benefits.

To create a truly worthwhile product, you must create a quality technical team and hire programmers. However, this is not so easy to do if you have little experience in business development and do not have the necessary skills.

Most likely you will need to pay a recruitment agency. But, according to Careeraddict, recruiting top-tier talent in today’s competitive market can be highly challenging.

In addition, if this is a one-time project, beginners agree to work on it in most cases. With such candidates this will inevitably lead to errors, increased development time, and other similar problems. And if an experienced app development company can make an application in two months, then an inexperienced one will work on it twice as long.

Therefore, you will still pay for development instead of entering the market and making the first profit.

But even if you were able to assemble a good team, it is worth remembering that you need to bring it up to date, make good project management, create job boards and a hiring strategy, and organize internal processes - and this will take a considerable amount of time.

In addition, you must be a good manager for your team to motivate specialists and monitor their results constantly.

And one more nuance - in any company, people can quit, and you will again need to select a new person and spend time on his training. And the team working in the state of the company, you need to pay high salaries to attract talent if you hire developers in the state, even when there is no work.

Therefore, hiring developers in the state, although good, is not always profitable.

Outsourced team

The second variation of this option is an outsourced development team.

After all the above arguments, it is clear that such a solution is optimal for any startup. Of the apparent advantages of working with an outsourced development team, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Such teams already have good experience in solving such problems. They can always suggest the right solution about tech stack and add if you missed something.
  2. All the necessary specialists for your project are already gathered in such a team. The project manager is in charge of coordinating the work, so you do not need to waste your time.
  3. In such teams, all internal processes have already been established, so the time for implementing your product will be much less.

This option is much more profitable than assembling your team, since taking into account all the costs and responsibilities for in house team, the maintenance of the staff will be more expensive. And much more time will be spent.

Thus, the outsourced app developers for startup team are the best solution for your business. This will help to draw up precise terms of reference, estimate all development costs, and avoid common mistakes.

Thanks to an experienced development team, you will be guided by the hand from the beginning to the end of the journey. All the shortcomings of the previous performers' versions have already been passed, worked out, and eliminated, so you do not have to waste time correcting errors.

Steps To Hire App Developers For Your Startup

When looking for a development team for your startup, you must choose competent specialists who will do everything professionally. Usually, novice business people have a question: how to look for developers. Therefore, we have described specific actions that need to be taken to find the right specialists.

Below are the most effective ways to help find developers for a startup.

See where others are looking

If you don’t understand who to contact, you can find out which companies have done projects for your competitors or colleagues. This will help you learn about the work of companies, not from advertising but from people's experiences.

Perhaps this is how you choose your contractor. Or, at least, you will understand precisely which teams you should not contact - this is also valuable information.

Corporate blogs and social media accounts

Subscribe to profile publics in social networks and online platforms, and read corporate blogs of different companies. In this way, you will begin to navigate the market faster and learn about the big players. In addition, you will identify those development teams whose approach is close to you, who make products that suit you - and your circle of searches will narrow.

Conferences, contests, networking platform dedicated to IT

Today, many business events take place both offline and online. At any large conference, you can view the list of participants. Perhaps among them, there are exciting studios with team structure and relevant experience for you.

For searching you may use different services, for example - freshservice.com. It has ratings of best IT-conferences each year. Among these, you may find SITS Service Desk and IT Support Show, European Identity and Cloud Conference, Dublin Tech Summit (DTS), DevOps Con and much more.


SITS conference let you keep up with the latest trends in over 60 seminars and world-class keynotes, and network with their professional peers.

More than 3,000 people who work in the IT field take part in the conference every year. Here you can meet the industry's leading supplier teams, keep up to date with the latest trends at over 60 world-class seminars and keynotes, and connect with your fellow professionals. There are no other conferences like this anywhere in Europe, where you can meet in person with so many IT management service providers, as well as attend educational and training seminars for free. SITS is a must for any ITSM professional.

European Identity and Cloud Conference

European Identity and Cloud Conference offers a mixture of best practice discussions, visionary presentations, and networking opportunities with a future-oriented community.

The European Identity & Cloud Conference brings together world leaders in cybersecurity, digital identity and digitization to strengthen the global community.

The technology area focuses on application software, communications, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and in particular IAM.

Dublin Tech Summit

Dublin Tech Summit brings together global leaders in innovation, technology and business to shape the future of global trends. The Dublin Tech Summit (DTS) is a two-day conference at the heart of the international technology scene. Dublin is the world's most active tech hub, which is why it has become the EMEA base for some of the world's biggest tech companies, and over the past 5 years, DTS has become one of the fastest growing B2B tech events in Europe.


DevOps is a conference from JUG Ru Group dedicated to DevOps practices. It brings together specialists from different backgrounds both in development and in operation, so that in the end everyone can release more often, and repair faster and more reliably.

Conference on support and operation of IT projects: logging and monitoring, virtualization and containerization technologies, configuration management, continuous deployment and deployment, fault tolerance and disaster recovery technologies, as well as operational management.

The conference brings together specialists from different backgrounds both in development and in operation. The program is divided into three parts - the DevOps culture itself, SRE and Cloud Native.

Regular internet search

Enter the desired query into Google and start methodically browsing the websites of developer companies. This method is long and laborious, but you can get maximum coverage. It is worth paying particular attention to the portfolio of companies.

If there are few cases in them or they have been published for a long time, it is worth passing by such companies. And if a company has dozens of cases, some of which have been published recently, then the studio has a lot of experience, and developers are not sitting idle.

Necessary steps that you have to follow:

Step 1 - Select several studios from which you will then choose

At the first stage of the search, it is better to single out several studios from which you will choose. Then, write to each with a description of your project - see what terms and prices you will be offered.

The development of an application takes about 2-4 months, and the cost depends on the complexity of the task. Therefore, you should be wary if you are promised overly favorable terms and prices. If, on the contrary, they set too long periods and ask for a large budget, this is an occasion to find out what causes these indicators.

Step 2 - Ask questions to applicants

After you have chosen several favorite companies, feel free to ask any questions. The more you learn from a conversation with a future contractor, the better.

Ask everything you don't understand. The task of programmers is to tell you about the development process in an accessible way.

Step 3 - Compare the studios you have chosen and identify their strengths and weaknesses

Compare. You do not need to agree with the first company that comes across, which will be the first in the search results. Consider as many options as possible, and compare. Let your decision be balanced and reasonable, not spontaneous.

Step 4 - Discuss all the details

After you have chosen one company, discuss all the details in advance. Discuss with the contractor how much the work will cost and what terms you should focus on. It is also worth knowing in advance about the possible difficulties that may arise in the work process and in which cases additional time and money will be required.

Step 5 - Discuss ways to contact developers

It is also essential to agree with the team about how often you will call and discuss the work process and how you can control the work.

Step 6 - Determine the direction of work

After you have agreed with the developers, try to delve into all work processes and control the course of actions. Even though a professional development team for startups guarantees high-quality work, you still need to be aware of what is happening and understand what is happening at any given moment.

1. The need for product-oriented developers is still higher

The profiles of "product" and "technical" programmers are almost identical - people of the first type are passionate about design, and the second ones like to solve complex engineering problems. These two groups are most popular with startup CIOs.

At the same time, the profile of an "academic developer," a person who can solve complex problems but does not have much experience working on business projects, is almost not in demand.

2. Almost no one needs "enterprise programmers"

Surprisingly, the data suggests that Java developers capable of creating enterprise-level products outstrip only programmers with an academic background in demand among startups. Moreover, specialists who work with Java or C# received a favorable decision in an interview half as often as those who use Ruby or JavaScript.

3. Experience is significant

Experienced developers are much more in demand than their counterparts without work experience. There are some start-ups that don't hire specialists who have recently completed their studies at the university. And those who do hire them make very high demands.

Why Hiring Experienced Web Developers Is So Important For Your Startup

Internet presence

Having a permanent presence on the Internet for any startup is the most crucial advantage over competitors. That's why you need to hire developers for startup. In addition, this is a much easier way to capture customers' attention.

Effective customer acquisition

If you are hiring a web development team or freelance developers for your startup, you can be sure that your site will be improved and updated. Developers will analyze your site in great detail and complete it with stunning visuals that can attract more users.

If a website has compelling features, made by help of software development company or freelance developers, users are more likely to stay on the site and engage in the purchase of the services or products you offer.

Effortless SEO

It is impossible to effectively promote early stage startups on the Internet without SEO optimization. If you don't want to study this issue, hire software developers with soft skills and existing solutions.

Project managers will select promotion tools specifically for your startup. This is the only way to achieve a good position in the rankings from Google; therefore, your site must be easily optimized.

Things to consider before hiring remote developers for your startup

Before agreeing with developers, it is essential to identify some key features of your startup:

Requirements of your company

To effectively implement your startup's idea, clearly understanding its goals is essential. If you don't clearly understand what your project should look like, it's too early to contact the developers.

Set a realistic budget

Always analyze the market before hiring a web development company. Then, estimate a budget based on your requirements. The amounts that different companies require for their work may differ depending on your needs and the location of the software development team.

You should not hire developers for a startup if

You think you created something extraordinary

You think you have come up with a new Facebook and want to develop a complex product for a multi-million audience from scratch. Most likely, talented developers and software engineers with a good reputation and experience will not take on such an order.

It would be best to start small - look at the metrics and conversion and gradually expand the product's functionality.

You don't know what you want

The developer can be consulted on the technical implementation of the plan, but the technical co founder or startup developer will not create a startup idea for you. You need to start working with developers when you already have a well-thought-out idea and a clear vision of how your product should work.

You are significantly limited in budget

If you need a quality product - you shouldn't choose the cheapest options. Hiring a software developer can cost a lot of money, but making a good product at a low price is impossible. Therefore, if you don't yet have enough budget for the right developer, it may be too early for you to work with them.


A startup's success largely depends on the idea's relevance and competent entry into the market. The critical component is a quality product - users are unlikely to use an app if it has a bunch of bugs and long page loading. Therefore, hiring developers is the most crucial stage of work, and professionals should create an application.

Any startup needs potential developers because the well-coordinated work of a professional team guarantees the high quality of the product and the most accurate calculation of the budget and implementation time.

This is especially important if your startup is time bound and needs to be released within a specific time frame. Experienced software engineers and developers for your startup have good communication skills, are quality candidates, and know how to explain all technical terms in an accessible way.

Thus, by hiring a team of tech talent developers for your startup, you will save the company's time and budget and be sure of the high quality of work and excellent results that will help your business succeed in demand.
