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The Relationship Between UX and SEO and Why Does It Matter?

Is it essential for UX and SEO to work together? Learn about the significance of SEO and UX for each other to create an improved search experience.

Written by RamotionMay 15, 202413 min read

Last updated: May 15, 2024


The first step for a design to be successful is for it to be discoverable and findable. With so many solutions in the market and much content around these solutions, it can get tricky for a product or service to stand out and be noticeable. This is why designers need to pay attention to the findability of their work.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most essential and necessary practices to make your digital content, particularly a website, visible and findable in the web of information over the internet. For a professional working on UX design, it is now becoming critical to understand how search engine algorithms assess and rank the content on the web.

Any modern UX design firm focuses on SEO rankings when developing a website design solution. The entire design process is tailored to provide a positive user experience and better SEO performance.

Understanding the Relationship between SEO and UX (Image Source)

This article discusses the interrelationship between UX design and SEO and how user experience affects SEO and vice versa. We also introduce some practices and strategies for improving SEO and UX together.

Read along as we explore this exciting topic to understand how UX affects SEO, which affects the performance of a digital product or service.

Fundamentals of SEO and UX

Before we discuss the relationship between SEO and UX, it is important to understand the basic concepts related to search engines and search queries. For example, when we use Google search to find an answer, how does the search results page list and categorize the response?

Understanding SEO and UX

Search engine optimization (SEO), as the name indicates, is the practice of making web pages easily findable. SEO professionals need to understand how search engine algorithms measure and assess the quality of web pages. This knowledge then helps create content that is both easy to find and helps the users accomplish their tasks.

User experience (UX), on the other hand, is concerned with the users' overall experience when they interact with a website, mobile application, or any other physical or digital design. UX designers focus more on user satisfaction and users' journey as they try to accomplish their tasks.

Both SEO and UX are essential for a website's better performance. Good SEO helps users find the right content and reach the right web pages. On the other hand, UX ensures that users can accomplish their tasks efficiently and also spend more time on the website.

SEO user experience is an emerging practice in online information design. They complement each other to improve overall web performance. With the help of good UX processes, designers can create responsive web designs that users can easily interact with and achieve their goals efficiently.

The Interrelation between SEO and UX

SEO and UX can help organizations increase user engagement and improve search engine rankings. A collective approach to web content design enables websites to help users and provide an engaging experience.

Apple’s website is one of the best examples of SEO and UX working together. The simplicity of the design and engaging interactions help users find the right information quickly. Similarly, Semrush employs excellent keyword use to improve the findability of the content, allowing users to access the information easily.

Apple Store with the Excellent Mix of SEO and UX (Image Source)

When it comes to UX design, keeping the SEO aspect in mind, the designers must understand how search engine algorithms work. Additionally, designers should first assess a website's UX and SEO, focusing on some of the important metrics. An excellent step-by-step guide to assess your site’s UX and SEO is as follows.

  1. Conduct user tests to gather users' feedback and observe their behaviours as they interact with the websites.
  2. Analyze the results of the user tests to understand the significance of the results and gather insights.
  3. Verify the existing links and URLs to ensure everything on the website works fine.
  4. Take note of the internal and external links to understand the connections of the content on the website.
  5. Analyze the site architecture and click depth of the content to understand the interaction of users with the website.
  6. Combine all of these insights and the users' feedback to get a holistic picture of the UX and SEO.

Improving Website Performance through UX and SEO

UX and SEO together can help improve a website's performance. It all starts with a core web vitals assessment, where design and SEO professionals ensure that the website's performance is up to the mark and that users do not get a bad overall experience.

Along with improving core web vitals, such as page speed, a combined approach to UX and SEO in website design also ensures that user queries direct them to the right content without hassle.

Optimizing Page Load Speed and Core Web Vitals

When it comes to assessing and improving the core web vitals, page speed—or page load speed—is one of the first aspects that comes to mind. When users click on the URL from the search engine results, they expect to be directed to the right webpage and for the page to open up quickly. This is where page load speed becomes critical.

If it takes a long time for users to see any content on the page and interact with it, their overall experience will be bad, and they will leave the webpage quickly. PageSpeed Insights is a simple and excellent tool for assessing page load speed and identifying issues.

Once the issues are identified, it is important to take practical steps to improve the page load speed. The best ways to do that are as follows.

1. Compress and optimize images.

Images and other media elements can be one of the major causes of page load speed reduction. It is important to compress and optimize images for the web before adding them to web pages. Using an optimizer such as Optimizilla can help in this regard.

The Importance of Page Load Speed (Image Source)

2. Pick a better hosting option.

If your website's hosting is poor, the pages will take longer to load, frustrating the users. Therefore, look for a better and more reliable hosting option that can guarantee good website performance.

3. Reduce the number of redirects.

Another reason page load speed is reduced is the excessive use of redirects. Direct links load quickly and efficiently and give users their answers. Keep your URLs updated at all times so that you do not have to use a lot of redirects.

Measure and Optimize Core Web Vitals

Along with page speed, other core web vitals also demand your attention. Search engine algorithms use important vitals such as First Contentful Paint (FCP), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), and First Input Delay (FID) to rank websites. Additionally, these vitals significantly impact the user experience.

Some essential ways to optimize and improve these vitals are as follows.

  • Optimization and compression of media content, such as images, videos, and animation, can significantly improve web vitals.
  • Focusing on a simple website architecture improves the vitals and makes the user journey easier.
  • Enabling browser caching improves the web vitals by storing some information in the user’s browser and search history, thus reducing the load times.

Enhancing Site Architecture for Better Indexing and Navigation

The architecture of a website is extremely important for both SEO and UX. A better architecture helps users interact with the right content through relevant search queries. Additionally, if the architecture is simple, search engine crawlers can easily index and crawl a website, thus improving its rank.

Creating a good website architecture improves the quality of search engine results and is one way to rank higher in Google search results. Some strategies for creating SEO-friendly site architecture are as follows.

Keep the structure simple

A simple architecture is always helpful for better SEO, positive user experience, and mobile optimization of a website. When creating a site architecture, try to prioritize the ways in which users interact with the content, making the interactions simple and intuitive. Avoid unnecessary clutter and too many layers in the architecture, as these will lead to a poor user experience.

Ensure access to information in fewer clicks

A good website architecture is helpful as it can connect users to the information they need with little time and effort. This can be achieved by focusing on fewer clicks and not burying the information so profoundly that users give up midway through the task.

Plan and use internal links carefully

The user of internal links and other off-page factors, such as social media, link authority, and backlinks, are essential in creating a solid architecture. Internal links create a strong network within the website, while external links or backlinks draw users to your website and help you rank better on search engine results.

Focus on a responsive, mobile-first design

One of the recent search engine requirements is mobile-first indexing. This means that search engine algorithms crawl and index websites with mobile devices and users as their priority. Therefore, your website's mobile version needs to check all the boxes for SEO.

SEO and Mobile-First Design (Image Source)

When designing a web page, it is critical to consider design from the mobile users' perspective. Keeping mobile usability in mind always helps in building better web pages. When the design of web pages is better for mobile devices, the chances of improving the SEO, as well as the UX, get better.

Content Strategy: UX Writing and SEO Integration

The relationship between UX design and SEO can be better understood from the content strategy perspective. A comprehensive content strategy prioritizes ranking in search results and information design. This requires a strong SEO strategy as well as a better understanding of users’ needs.

Crafting Content with UX Writing and SEO in Mind

A comprehensive content strategy focuses on the design of a simple user interface and gives due importance to rankings and search results. The content must align with the motivations and goals of the users and the needs of the digital marketplace, i.e., the SEO standards and practices.

Good UX writing and content strategy help users find the right content and make the best use of it. On the other hand, a strong SEO strategy boosts the content's performance and adds value to the overall user experience. UX designers and SEO professionals need to focus on both these aspects.

Collaboration Techniques for Designers and SEO Experts

When it comes to creating user-friendly resources, UX designers and SEO experts share many common interests. Some of the key areas where their goals align are as follows.

  • Creating a responsive design for the target audience to improve user engagement
  • Ensuring that the user interacts with the right content and achieves the desired goals
  • Improving the page speed and allowing better access to content on handheld devices, such as mobile phones
  • Creating a clean architecture to ensure findability and enhance the usefulness of the content

Designers and SEO experts can collaborate using specialized tools such as Miro and Figma. These tools help everyone get on the same page while allowing creativity and ensuring a better collaborative experience.

Collaboration with Miro (Image Source)

Measuring Success: Key UX and SEO Metrics

Like any other project in UX design, it is essential to understand the key metrics and measure success when combining UX and SEO.

Essential UX and SEO Metrics to Track

Understanding the key metrics and being able to track them allows experts to understand user behaviour. This includes analyzing organic search results, search queries, and engagement with website pages.

Some key metrics to measure the success of SEO and UX are discussed below.

1. Page views and click depth

A simple way to see whether the user’s search query is leading to the right content is to examine the number of page views. Additionally, click depth is a good metric to monitor to understand the quality of the content and efficacy of the website structure.

Together, these two metrics can tell the experts whether users can find the right content and the level of user engagement with the content.

2. Bounce and conversion rates

Bounce and conversion rates are also important parameters for assessing the impact of content and SEO strategy on a website's performance. If the user spends more time on the website, the content meets the level of user comprehension and allows for better engagement.

Lower bounce rates and higher conversion rates are indicators of responsive web design, which allows users to navigate and find their way on the website easily.

3. User test metrics

User testing is a tried-and-tested practice for understanding the level of user interaction with web content. By conducting well-planned user tests, UX professionals can understand user behaviour and their search intent as they start working on their tasks.

Gathering Insights and Metrics from User Tests (Image Source)

User engagement metrics generally result from user tests, such as user intent, behaviors, interaction with the content, and the success or failure rate. These can be extremely helpful in designing better UX and SEO strategies.

Advanced Tracking Techniques for UX and SEO Performance

Analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, Fox Metrics, and many others, can help keep track of the website's SEO and UX performance. From ranking in the results of search engines to creating a responsive design, you can set up your analytics tools and use integrations with other tools to make the most out of this.

Airbnb’s website is one successful example of how UX and SEO work well together. The simplicity of navigation and the ability to find the right information quickly improve the experience.

Advanced Practices and the Future of UX in SEO

UX and SEO have a strong relationship, and their impact on search rankings cannot be overstated. The UX-SEO bond will only get stronger in the coming days.

Implementing UX SEO Best Practices

Leading businesses in the digital world rank well on search engines and also provide a rich user experience. Medium is one such example. There is a lot of content to deal with, but the overall clean and simple architecture makes it easy for users to engage with the content. Additionally, the keywords come from a variety of disciplines, creating a stronger SEO.

Medium’s Clean and Engaging Design (Image Source)

Another good example of simple design, better SEO, and quality user interactions is HubSpot. The intelligent use of keywords and simple structure makes it easy for users to make the most of their experience.

The following steps can help you implement these practices on your website.

  • Understand your goals for the website
  • Conduct a comprehensive audit of the existing content
  • Gather relevant data from the users, such as their behaviours and search intent
  • Incorporate user  feedback in the design of your website
  • Monitor the performance regularly and keep improving the design

Exploring SXO: Merging UX with SEO for Superior Results

UX and SEO are becoming increasingly interrelated. It would be appropriate to discuss UX and SEO when designing web pages. A new term has also been coined to better understand their interrelationship: Search Experience Optimization (SXO)

As the name indicates, SXO combines the best UX and SEO practices to create an engaging experience for the target audience. A successful website would give due importance to SEO and UX principles and integrate both aspects in information design.

All the practices we mentioned above, from a simple architecture to monitoring the key metrics, can help in an excellent application of Search Experience Optimization (SXO).


Search rankings are becoming crucial for website owners. The UX-SEO relationship is getting stronger when it comes to website page design. UX designers and SEO professionals need to focus on user satisfaction and engagement.

This is why it is essential to understand the concepts of UX and SEO and their interrelationship. This article covered the basic concepts and best practices for creating engaging and interactive web pages with better search engine rankings. These practices will help you improve the quality of your projects when designing digital spaces.
