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Building Application for Real-Time Web App Development

Create real-time web applications that keep data fresh. This guide covers building blocks, data streaming, and client-server communication.

Written by RamotionFeb 27, 202411 min read

Last updated: Feb 27, 2024


Real-time web applications are web apps that provide users with live updates and real-time functionality without needing to refresh the page. They can push new data to the client as it becomes available on the server, creating a seamless and responsive user experience.

Some common examples of real-time web applications include:

  • Chat and messaging apps: New messages can appear instantly without page reloads.
  • Multiplayer games: Player actions can be updated in real-time across connected clients.
  • Live sports/news: Score changes, voting results, etc. can be updated live as they happen.
  • Collaboration software: Documents and projects can be edited simultaneously by multiple users.
  • Stock tickers: Share prices can update continuously during market hours.
  • Geo-tracking apps: Location can be monitored and mapped in real-time.

The key benefit of real-time web apps is providing users with the most current information and the application's state. This creates more dynamic and responsive experiences compared to traditional request-response models.

For organizations that want to take advantage of the power of real-time web applications, partnering with a web application development agency can ensure seamless integration of cutting-edge technology and features into their digital solutions.

Defining Real-time Web App Development

For example, a real-time financial dashboard could display live stock ticker data, a chat app could show new messages as they are sent, or a game could update other players' moves in real-time. The real-time nature creates a more engaging, collaborative experience.

The key requirements for building a real-time web app are:

  1. Persistent connection between client and server using WebSockets or other protocol
  2. The ability for the server to push updates to the client automatically
  3. Dynamic JavaScript to update page content without a full refresh

How Does a Real-Time Application Function?

Real-time apps follow a client-server architecture. The client establishes a connection to the server, which stays open indefinitely. The server can then push updates to the client via this open connection, allowing instant data transfer.

Real-Time Application Function

This differs from the traditional pull model, where the client periodically polls the server for new data. There can be lag with pulling since the client has to initiate each request rather than every time there is new data. Pushing data from the server allows for true real-time communication.

A key enabler of push technology is the WebSocket protocol. WebSockets allow persistent, bidirectional communication between client and server via a single TCP socket connection. This always-on connection enables the server to push messages to the client whenever needed rather than waiting for polling requests.

Another critical aspect of real-time apps is that they are event-driven. This means app behavior is triggered by events like user inputs, sensor data, server updates, etc, rather than following predefined sequences. The app reacts to these events by executing event handler code. This facilitates faster and more dynamic responses.

Overall, real-time applications create a continuous conduit between client and server. This allows instant push-based data transfer, enabling faster and more dynamic user experiences. The always-on nature and event-driven structure allows real-time apps to feel more alive and responsive.

Types of Real-Time Web Applications You Can Build

Real-time web applications span a wide range of categories, but some of the most common types include:

1. Chat and Collaboration Tools

Chat and collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Facebook Workplace enable real-time communication and collaboration. They provide features like instant messaging, audio/video calling, and document sharing.

These applications update interfaces in real-time as new messages, shared files, or user status changes occur. This creates a smooth, interactive experience for distributed teams.

2. Live Streaming

Live video streaming applications like Twitch, YouTube Live, and Facebook Live allow broadcasting video in real-time to potentially massive audiences. Viewers can interact via live chat and comments. The video stream and chat are updated seamlessly on the fly as the broadcast proceeds.

3. Real-Time Dashboards

Real-time dashboards display live data visually. They are commonly used to monitor metrics like website traffic, operational data, financial trading, network health, etc. The dashboards update graphs, charts, and other visuals dynamically as new data enters the system. This enables real-time monitoring and insights.

4. Gaming

Online multiplayer games are powered by real-time web technology. The game state is synchronized across players to enable smooth, lag-free interactions. The player’s moves and actions are updated in real-time, along with communication via chat or voice. Real-time capabilities create an immersive, interactive gaming experience.

Understanding Client Pull and Server Push Mechanisms

Traditional web applications use a request-response model, where the client polls the server for updates. There are two main methods for polling:

Short Polling

With short polling, the client queries the server frequently to check for new data. This creates constant chatter between client and server, even when no new data is available. The client opens a request, waits for the response, and immediately opens a new request once the response is received.


  • Simple to implement


  • Frequent requests create high latency and traffic
  • Wasteful if no new data is available

Long Polling

Long polling aims to reduce latency and traffic. The client request remains open until the server has new data to return. When the server responds, the client immediately opens a new request.


  • Reduces empty responses when no new data exists
  • Lower latency than short polling


  • Can create head-of-line blocking on the server
  • Still polling/request-response model


WebSockets allow true push behavior from server to client. The connection is kept open, allowing the server to send new data as it becomes available without waiting for a client request.


  • Efficient - avoids constant polling
  • Enables real-time data flow
  • Lower Latency


  • Requires browser support
  • More complex setup than polling

With server push via WebSockets and SSE, the server directly sends new data to the client as it becomes available. This avoids the inefficient polling required with client pull methods.

Short Polling (Client Pull)

Short polling involves the client repeatedly requesting data from the server regularly. Here's how it works:

  1. The client makes an initial request to the server for any new data.
  2. The server holds the request open until new data is available or a timeout period expires.
  3. The server responds with any new data.
  4. The client immediately re-requests for any additional new data.

This cycle then repeats continuously while the application is open.

Short polling could be more efficient as the client has to poll at a high frequency to gain a semblance of real-time data. This leads to many empty responses if no new data is available. The constant polling also keeps an open HTTP connection that could limit scaling.

Short polling enables basic real-time capabilities but with major resource usage and scaling limitations. This led to exploring better server push alternatives like long polling and WebSockets.

Long Polling (Client Pull)

Long polling involves the client requesting new data from the server. If no new data is available, the server holds the request open instead of sending an empty response until new data becomes available. Once new data is available, the server responds and sends the new information.

After the client receives the response, it immediately sends another request, and the process begins again. This allows the server to push data to a client whenever it becomes available while avoiding continuous polling and wasted requests.

The client polls the server with long polling, but the response is delayed until new data is available. This allows data to be pushed from server to client faster than short polling. The client makes requests, but the server delays its response until new data comes along.

Some key advantages of long polling include:

  • Real-time data push from server to client
  • More efficient than short polling; avoids frequent wasted requests
  • Compatible with standard HTTP infrastructure
  • Supported in all modern browsers

Some downsides are:

  • It can cause performance issues if too many clients are long-polling
  • Latency as the server holds requests open until new data is available
  • Potentially complex error handling due to connection interruptions

Overall, long polling represents an improvement over traditional short polling and provides a transport mechanism for pushing real-time data updates from a server to a client. It formed the basis for most real-time web technologies before introducing WebSockets.

WebSockets (Server Push)

WebSockets provide full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. It enables a persistent, two-way connection between a client and server that either party can use to start sending data at any time, allowing for more flexible real-time apps.

WebSockets achieve much lower latencies and overhead than polling because once the initial handshake is complete, the server can send real-time data to the client anytime it is available rather than waiting for a client request. The server doesn't need to wait for a polling request to send updated data.

This makes WebSockets highly efficient for real-time web applications that require continuous data streams in either direction, such as multiplayer browser games, chat apps, and live data feeds. The persistent bidirectional connection enabled by WebSockets facilitates rapid data interchange with minimal latency and overhead.

Since the WebSocket connection remains open, the client and server can exchange data freely rather than having to open and close connections repeatedly, like short and long polling. This reduces network congestion and resource usage.

Overall, WebSockets provide a much more flexible and efficient mechanism for real-time communication compared to polling.

Server-Sent Events

Server-Sent Events (SSE) allow uni-directional communication between servers and clients. With this API, the server can push new data to clients as it becomes available.

The EventSource API is used in JavaScript on the client side to receive server-sent events. To open a connection, create a new EventSource object, passing the URL of the server endpoint that will send events:

const eventSource = new EventSource('/events');


The server sends messages in the form of text/event-stream formatted data. Each message contains a data field with the message payload. Events can be optionally categorized with an event field.

For example, a server message might look like:

event: notification
data: New user signed up

On the client side, you can listen for all incoming events from the EventSource object or filter for specific event types using the onmessage and ontypemessage handlers.

SSE creates a persistent, one-way channel from server to client. The server can send data at any time, allowing for real-time updates. Use cases include live device data, stock tickers, social feeds, and gaming.

SSE has good browser support. It offers a more straightforward paradigm than WebSockets since the server alone initiates communication. Limitations are that SSEs are uni-directional, and there is no client acknowledgment.

WebSockets play a critical role in enabling real-time web applications. Unlike the HTTP request-response model, WebSockets provide full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. This allows for bi-directional data flow between client and server in real time.

The Role of WebSockets in Real-Time Applications (RTAs)

WebSockets play a critical role in enabling real-time web applications by allowing instant bidirectional communication between client and server. This provides major advantages over the traditional HTTP request-response model:

  • Enable instant data transfer - With WebSockets, as soon as data is available on the server, it can be pushed to the client immediately without waiting for a request. This enables apps to deliver data in real-time without delays.
  • Low latency - WebSockets are designed for minimal overhead and framing, allowing fast data transport. This results in much lower latencies compared to HTTP polling techniques.
  • Bidirectional communication - WebSockets allow full-duplex communication, so clients and servers can independently send and receive data anytime. This enables real-time apps where either side can instantly push updates.

These capabilities allow developers to build smooth, responsive, real-time experiences like live collaboration apps, multiplayer games, live chat, and real-time finance/trading dashboards. WebSockets eliminate the need to poll or request new data constantly. Data is delivered instantly as it happens.

WebSockets provide instant, low latency, bidirectional communication between client and server, the ideal enabling technology for real-time web applications today.

Developing a WebSockets-based RTA – Tech Stack

When building a real-time web application using WebSockets, some key technologies to leverage include:


  • JavaScript - The core language for implementing WebSockets on both the client and server side. Modern JavaScript engines like V8 provide excellent performance.
  • TypeScript - A superset of JavaScript that provides static typing and other enhancements. Useful for larger-scale WebSocket apps. Transpiles to vanilla JavaScript.


  • Node.js - Provides non-blocking, event-driven servers ideal for WebSocket handling. Popular for JavaScript server development.
  • Express is a minimalist Node.js web framework great for adding WebSocket capabilities to Node servers.
  • React - A client-side JavaScript UI library ideal for reactive UIs that need to update based on WebSocket messages.


  • Socket.IO - A WebSocket library that provides fallback options for older browsers and a client/server implementation.
  • ws - A barebones WebSocket library for Node.js. Good alternative to Socket.IO if you don't need fallback transports.


  • Jest - A JavaScript test framework that can be used to test WebSocket client and server code.
  • Cypress - An end-to-end test runner useful for browser testing of WebSocket UIs.


  • Heroku - A cloud platform well-suited to deploying WebSocket-based Node.js apps.
  • Netlify - Static web hosting for frontend apps that integrate WebSockets. Handles build processes.
  • Docker - Containerization helps standardize WebSocket app deployment across environments.

So in summary, Node.js, React, Socket.IO, Jest, and Heroku/Netlify form a modern stack for WebSocket-driven real-time web apps.


Real-time web applications provide users with a more responsive, interactive experience by enabling quick bi-directional communication between client and server.

In this guide, we covered the fundamentals of how real-time applications work, the difference between client pull and server push approaches, and took a deep dive into WebSockets - a key enabling technology for building modern real-time web apps.

Summary of Key Points

  1. Real-time web apps update content continuously without needing a page refresh, creating a seamless user experience.
  2. Short and long polling are client pull mechanisms that simulate real-time behavior by making frequent AJAX requests but are limited in efficiency.
  3. WebSockets and Server-Sent Events enable true server push, allowing the server to send data to clients instantly when available.
  4. WebSockets provide full-duplex communication, while Server-Sent Events are one-way. WebSockets are the most advanced option.
  5. Building a real-time web app with WebSockets involves components like Node.js, Socket.IO, and frontend JavaScript frameworks.

Future Trends

As real-time technology evolves, we'll see even more interactive web experiences. Areas like IoT, live collaboration, virtual reality, and gaming will drive the adoption of real-time backends. Emerging standards like HTTP/2 server push will also play a role.

The prevalence of JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular on the front end will lower barriers to integrating real-time features. Backend-as-service products are making it easier to add real-time APIs without managing infrastructure.

Real-time web technology unlocks new categories of digital experiences. As it becomes easier to work with, expect it to become a standard part of web and mobile applications.
