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Website Content Strategy Guide: Elements and Best Practices

Website content strategy is the process of planning, creating, delivering, managing, and maintaining usable content for the web for boosting business goals.

Written by RamotionApr 14, 202314 min read

Last updated: Feb 21, 2024

Defining Website Content Strategy

In today's demanding digital space, many users (whether it's a computer, tablet, or mobile device) spend a lot of time on websites, search engines, and social media than reading printed materials or resources. This means that the need to provide information has never been so pivotal and required.

Instead of advertising, the shift is toward creating usable content for the user's instant gratification and pleasure. Organic content is now more relevant and can generate more leads than the usual inbound marketing. With the right content marketing strategy, every business needs to roll out and be there when potential customers or audiences are searching for their products and services.

In recent years, both the website design and development and the digital marketing industry have realized the potential that technological engineers have built. From small family businesses to multi-national companies, every business goal consists of creating and distributing various content types across many digital channels such as websites, blogs, social media, and other platforms.

Web designers and developers working on current technologies recognize the importance of web content strategy to create remarkable, easy-to-manage, and maintain content formats. While content marketing is a must-have factor in every business, it can be enhanced through carefully crafted web content strategy.

Content marketing is familiar now as many online businesses have been creating content online, publishing newsletters, and doing some types of advertisements for ages as part of their marketing efforts. However, it's more than just a disjointed scheme but can be presumed as a content marketing strategy. With the help of websites as the primary platform, website content can now shape and create a successful brand with an impeccable identity that makes its products or services accessible and relevant. This is why web content strategy is crucial for a business to grow and ensures consistent traffic through amplified and shareable content production and management.

Primarily, every business must create content on an ongoing basis. However, it must be relevant and well-planned to drive profits and value to potential customers. Content strategy should be unique to every business and must meet customer needs and interests without excessive advertisement.

Importance of Website Content Strategy

Primarily, every business must create content on an ongoing basis. However, it must be relevant and well-planned to drive profits and value to potential customers. Content strategy should be unique to every business and must meet customer needs and interests without excessive advertisement.

Many businesses often need to pay more attention to content strategies until a later time of development resulting in poor quality content production and content governance. Implementing a web content strategy at the right time can ensure that every website content is treated as valuable content and essential digital assets. If done right, web content strategy can help companies drive traffic from search engines, provide a good return on investments (ROI), satisfy customers' needs, and create remarkable website metrics to meet the brand's overall business goals.

When approaching web projects with content strategy, there are a lot of factors to consider. Read on to learn more.

The web content development process is often overlooked when web designers and developers create websites. This process can be complex, time-consuming, and sometimes costly if not given enough attention at the start of every project.

At this point, the content strategists are very helpful.

Web content strategy is the process or methodology of planning, creating, delivering, managing, and maintaining usable content while keeping the potential customer or audience benefit in mind and the overall business goal of the brand. This often overlaps with other practical web-based and marketing subject matter such as user experience (UX), user interface (UI), conducting market research on a search engine, content audit, and other modern digital practices for the web.

The content strategy comprises producing and governing cohesive and engaging web content, including text, graphics, video, audio, and other forms of media across multiple digital platforms in a comprehensive and well-thought manner. This ensures the relevancy of the website content being published using communication and marketer-based approaches for the projected target market or demographics to increase the visibility of websites on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Website Content Strategy Elements

The goal of a good content strategy is to utilize meaningful web elements and media to produce well-structured, engaging, and sustainable content for the user's pleasure or benefit and brand awareness. The success of every marketing effort substantially relies on developing a series of comprehensive content strategies.

The content strategy process should begin from the start of the project until after the website launch. Web content strategy doesn't simply end when the website is launched but must continually be improved whenever necessary to remain relevant in every season.

In summary, the content strategy should cover website content creation, publishing, and maintenance from start to finish.

According to Kristina Halvorson, the web content strategy is divided into four primary practices:

  • Editorial strategy. This practice covers the principles related to the brand itself. This can include voice, tone, regulatory subject matters, and consumer-generated data.
  • Metadata strategy. This practice covers the principles of metadata. Metadata is a form of data that defines other data to help the publishers identify the attributes of the information that can be used or re-used significantly.
  • Content management strategy. This content strategy practice involves utilizing content management systems or similar technologies for content creation, management, and modification on a website without advanced technical knowledge. Publishing ecosystems and workflows are strictly considered in this type of practice.
  • Content channel distribution strategy. This content strategy involves the channels by which the content will be delivered and distributed to the target audience. This includes a few marketing practices, such as email marketing, to provide information promptly and efficiently.

A Quick Note: Content Marketing vs. Content Strategy

Content marketing and content strategy often complement each other. While content marketing sometimes appeals to content strategy, there are differences in practices.

Content marketing is a set of practices involving several marketing techniques through various media such as television, printed materials, and even the product to attract new and existing customers. To be specific, content marketing is the campaign itself. It's the marketing efforts to drive traffic to your website or products to gain customer loyalty and brand awareness.

On the other hand, content strategy is the strategy itself which involves research, analysis, planning, and strategic principles to create meaningful content and drive traffic to your website or product itself. Content strategy comes first before content marketing. Content marketers need a guideline to become effective in every campaign. A content marketing strategy is the best way to convert traffic into leads and avoid costly mistakes during the campaign.

With a content marketing strategy, your marketing efforts will be effective in a competitive market. Content strategy is the key to every successful content marketing.

Impact of website content strategy

Content strategy is always a key factor when dealing with websites. The web content strategy involves planning, creating, and managing content throughout its lifecycle.

This influences the business goals, analysis, development, measurement, and overall campaign implementation. The website development process will only be successful with a meaningful content-first approach to efficiently communicate the product's message. The development, management, and distribution of content are the strategic output of the web content strategy, which can be measured through various metrics and tools.

Web content strategy creates value and helps businesses provide the right website content to the right target audience or market at the right time. It offers foundational information to implement in every campaign throughout the life cycle. Web content strategy defines the content purpose and provides guidelines from content planning to maintenance. Implementing a web content strategy can spark customer engagement and establish a long-lasting relationship by reinforcing and improving content development whenever necessary.

In essence, website content strategy is vital for the following reasons:

  • It describes the goals and objectives of a website and the process of achieving them.
  • It ensures consistency and rationality in messaging and branding.
  • It helps prioritize and plan for content creation and updates.
  • It improves user experience by providing relevant and useful information.
  • It boosts the website’s search engine optimization (SEO) and brings in more customers through organic search.
  • It makes websites stand out from other websites and provides a trustworthy web experience for customers.
  • it helps build better relationships with your audience and boost credibility as a business.

Developing and executing a website content strategy

Setting up web content strategy standards, guidelines, and a roadmap allows web stakeholders and content strategists to enforce a well-thought marketing plan for creating, delivering, and managing high-quality website content. This is hugely important in the overall content lifecycle as having comprehensive well-documented rules for the web makes a huge difference in various stages of web projects.

In order to get started with web content strategy, there are six steps to consider when developing the whole content strategy process. Each step will enable businesses to build a suitable website content strategy template for every type of web project.

Step 1. Understand website goals and market position

Everything starts with a goal and a market positioning. The plan will be the first critical step for every project. Without a goal, there will be no clarity on what your web project should accomplish.

Conversely, market positioning will enable you to influence your target audience about your brand identity from which your goals should be implemented.

Understanding website goals and market position are crucial in web content strategy as it provides the foundation for creating a content plan that is aligned with the overall business objectives and targets the right audience. This can guide your content strategy and help you evaluate your success for every phase.

It will also help you to compose proper decisions about what type of content to create, how to position the brand, and how to measure success. Having a clearly defined market position and goals helps to ensure that the content resonates with the target market or audience and drives the desired results.

When identifying and setting up goals, you can use any framework or methodologies according to your business needs. One example of a popular goal-setting framework or method is the SMART method which can help you set specific, measurable, achievable, and realistic goals on time.

Step 2. Conduct a website audit

A content audit is essential when creating a good web content strategy. It involves analyzing and reviewing your website's contents to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your developing content strategy so you can ensure that your marketing campaigns align with your ongoing strategic plan composition. By conducting a content audit on your website, you will understand the scope of your content needs and make it a reference point for future improvements.

Step 3. Scout out competitors' websites

After analyzing your content through a content audit, it's time to do a competitor content audit. Collecting competitive information is a smart move to improve your current website content strategy and marketing. Start by visiting your competitor's websites, social media, and other platforms. Check all the potential contents and methodologies you can use, optimize and improve to establish a competitive advantage for your website.

Keep in mind to keep and execute ideas beyond your current strategic capabilities. The goal of competitor content audit is not to entirely copy what your competitor is doing but create a unique brand voice or tone by putting practical ideas into your content strategy template to help you stand out from them.

Step 4. Get to know your website audience

Your website content should align with your target audience's information needs. Knowing your website audience is crucial because it determines their specific interests so you can create relevant and targeted content and improve your user experience and marketing plan. This is important as your content will resonate with them and increase your website's engagement and conversions.

Understanding what your target audience is looking for will help you compose a better content strategy to help you offer the best user experience and build a strong relationship with them.

Step 5. Optimize website content

Optimizing website content is essential in a website content strategy. It provides several benefits, such as improving your website's ranking in search engines, enhancing the overall user experience by providing relevant and easily accessible information, and increasing your website conversion rates.

As complicated as it may seem, optimizing content is relatively easy. A few examples of website optimization that you can quickly do are:

  • Content structure (such as heading and paragraph tags)
  • Metadata (meta titles, description, and keywords)
  • URL redirects
  • Images tags
  • Outdated call to action web elements

Step 6. Teamwork and collaboration in website content creation

Teamwork and collaboration are essential factors in content creation and content strategy. This involves working as a team to produce high-grade, usable, and effective web content. Bringing individuals with different skills and perspectives to achieve a common goal of creating, delivering, and maintaining informative and user-friendly content that meets the target audience's needs is a crucial step in content strategy and marketing.

Regardless of the team size, collaborating is the fastest way to produce a well-organized and efficient content strategy. To achieve this, below are some elements of good teamwork for better content creation:

  • Communication. The most essential element for coordinating efforts and ensuring everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Task division. Assigning specific tasks based on their skills and peer disciplines for a more efficient and compelling content creation process.
  • Feedback and iteration. Ensures that the final content is of the highest quality and meets the informational needs of the target audience.
  • Brainstorming. Enables the team to share unique, creative, and innovative ideas for website content.

Audience-focused content creation

When creating content for web content strategy, there are three critical factors to meet in order to produce successful content effectively:

1. Consider your audience

Knowing and considering the audience is essential when creating content for a website content strategy, as it directly affects the success of the content. Using analytics tools, conducting keyword research, and market research for demographics such the gender, age, and location can help you understand and study your audience more.

Understanding the audience allows you to properly plan the content to meet their information needs, preferences, and interests. This can lead to higher search results on search engines, more engagement, and a better user experience, which can increase traffic and conversions.

2. Match writing style to the target audience's literacy level

Once you understand what your audience needs and preferences, you need to match their level of comprehension with your writing style. Writing style determines the voice, tone, language, and structure used in the content, while audience literacy level refers to the level of education and language proficiency of the target audience. When writing for websites, it is vital to understand the target audience's literacy level and adapt the writing style correspondingly.

A more refined writing style may be appropriate if the target audience is well-educated and highly literate. In contrast, if the target audience needs to be more educated, it may be necessary to use a more straightforward writing style that is easy to understand.

Matching the writing style to the audience's literacy level helps to ensure that the content is accessible, understandable, and engaging for the target audience. This can help your website become more relevant to diverse audiences, publish content that resonates with the target audience, and support the website's overall goals.

3. Write SEO-optimized content

Writing content with SEO best practices can help websites improve visibility in search engine results, making it easier for potential customers to find your business online. This process involves researching keywords, writing content with user intent, optimizing headers with keywords, and utilizing inbound and outbound links.

Writing SEO-optimized content can help build credibility with search engines and improve the website's overall domain authority, leading to increased engagement, repeat visits, and conversion rates.

Wrapping Up

Website content strategy consists of various steps and critical factors to achieve the overall business goals. When developing the web content strategy for the web, it's crucial to define a clear objective first to create a roadmap on what the strategy will look like.

Knowing and understanding your audience, including their needs, preferences, and behavior, is also essential in order helps to ensure that the content aligns with the business's goals and effectively engages the target audience.

Lastly, writing SEO-optimized content with a consistent brand voice helps to build brand recognition and credibility. This can increase your website's traffic and conversion and provide a better user experience, ultimately contributing to the business's success.
