Website Footer Design - Examples to Inspire

Website footer design is often an afterthought. However, it should not be. When well-done, it makes a huge difference. Follow this guide to unveil its potential.

Written by RamotionJan 27, 202115 min read

Last updated: Sep 6, 2024

Creating a website design is a real challenge these days. You need to come up with the hero area to make the first impression count, write content that delivers the right message, invest in marketing, SEO, and usability to accomplish your business mission, and prepare interview questions to hire a web designer with the best web design portfolio. There are lots of stuff to do. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that we often forget about one tiny detail that at times makes the whole difference. That is a footer design.

Let's be honest; the footer is usually an afterthought. We do not attach importance to it because it gets less attention than the top of the page. However, it does not mean it should be neglected. The deal is, according to recent studies, visitors often scrolled down even before the page had fully loaded.

Many UX specialists, marketers, and of course, leading web design agencies agree that a footer is one of the most important website design elements. It benefits not only the brand but also users. It is an important reference point for people who visit websites with multiple user groups or different user journeys.

Although traditionally, footers are not the major selling point of a web page, they still keep the audience engaged and push them down the marketing funnel. When well-done, they complete various tasks and accomplish all those missions you set for your company in digital expanses. Let's dive a little bit deeper into the importance of investing in a website footer.

It is important to invest in a footer design for many reasons. Let's consider them:

  1. The footer is available on every page of your website, providing a consistent experience for users. As an element that is seen on every page, it has to be well-thought-out.
  2. How you use your website footer can have a significant impact on conversion rates. According to recent studies, a well-thought-out footer web can result in almost 20% uplift in sales conversion.
  3. The website footer serves as a finishing touch for the website's design and aesthetics. It supports overall charm and charisma, making the website feel complete.
  4. Footer web includes all the critical getaways that users need to move freely around the website.
  5. The best footer design improves customer experience by providing quick search and such vital things as instant chat or contact information.
  6. Footer increases trust and ensures a high level of credibility. With all those links to copyrights and privacy policy along with brand identity and awards, certificates, and memberships of certain associations, it qualifies and quantifies the brand.
  7. Footer design keeps an audience as long as possible on your platform.
  8. Footer helps users find what they haven't already found. Clear website navigation breadcrumbs can help your users locate the content they were looking for.
  9. Footer web adds value prestige to your website and personality.
  10. Footer web improves your keyword Search Engine Optimization.
  11. Footer gives you the last chance to convince customers.
  12. Footer design leaves the long-lasting impression that keeps your brand on top of the mind.
Website Footer Design from Two Robbers

Goals of Website Footers

The success of a footer design largely depends on a goal. It gives you cues on what elements to add, what content to include, and what design to implement. For example, if your goal is to generate conversions or collect potential clients, you should include an email signup form or call-to-action. If you want to keep your users a little longer, you could add a block with popular posts from your blog.

As you have already guessed footer is able to pursue various goals. Let's consider the most popular ones:

  • Win leads.
  • Address user's concerns and answering all questions that may arise at the end of the story.
  • Keep users engaged.
  • Provide useful info.
  • Provide basic functionality.
  • Sign visitors up for your newsletter.
  • Re-highlight a website's content.
  • Advocate the brand.
  • Keep users up-to-date with promotions.
Footer Web from Uber

Traditionally, the footer bears only copyrights. However, the last decade showed us that this is not enough. People need more.

To meet the current needs, website owners adopt multifunctional footer designs with a wealth of useful information. However, it does not mean that it should house everything you can fit in. Let's consider the crucial elements that you should add to your website footer.

Note, depending on the goal, you may expend or, on the contrary, reduce this list.

1. Navigation

The first one on our list is navigation. This element plays a critical role in creating a comfortable user experience.

If you have several links, use a streamlined menu; if you have more than five links, you may benefit from a dropdown menu or a bulleted list. As for huge portals or eCommerce that want to cover multiple categories, you may adopt mega-menus with headings and subheadings. Though bear in mind to stick to a clean structure and add only crucial information.

2. Search bar

Much like navigation, a search bar has a top priority in ensuring a good user experience.

It soothes a user's frustration and puts visitors in control of the content, helping achieve the goal much faster. If you have a small personal portfolio, it will be redundant; however, it is an absolute must for an online magazine or educational platform with hundreds of pages.

3. Move Back to Top Button

Even though the "Move Back to Top" button can't boast of significant size or prominent appearance, it is another vital element of a good user experience. It sends users back to the header to visit or revisit the top sections of your website, where all the vital content lies. It also helps to lead users and get them back on track in the marketing funnel.

Footer Design in eBay

4. Contact Information

It is common to believe that contact information is important only for those in commercial niches. That's not entirely true. Contact information in the footer is a web standard. People are used to it. They expect to find it right there. Therefore, it is obligatory to every web estate, whether it is saas web design or a simple blog. Do not disappoint nor upset visitors. Meet current needs.

More so, the physical address in the footer builds trust and raises the credibility of your company. Besides, some countries consider this information obligatory for websites. You may break the law if you do not include it.

Therefore, contact information, at least at its minimum, should be in your footer. Ensure you cover such essentials as:

  • Physical address;
  • Email address;
  • Telephone number.

For those who want to make it more exhaustive and helpful, you can also add a map, directions, and instant chat.

5. Brand Identity

For many of us, the footer is the last thing users see; therefore, it is an excellent opportunity to reinforce brand image and give users something to remember. By adding a logo or any other prominent piece of brand identity to the end of the story, you will make your company more memorable and leave a lasting impression.

Use logotype, slogan, mascot, typeface, and even animations and illustrations.

6. Social Media Icons

Displaying social media icons in the header is considered to be a bad practice. However, you can't do without them. The way out is to add links to active accounts in social media channels to the footer design. They provide an alternative way to contact you and can become a tool for causing word of mouth.

Website Footer from Auwaa

7. Signup Form

Converting users into subscribers may not be a primary goal for many websites out there. Nevertheless, it is also crucial. This mission helps to create a list of contacts who are engaged with your brand or product. These contacts can be pushed through the marketing funnel more likely.

Therefore, a signup form placed in the footer, right at the end of your fantastic storytelling experience that leaves everyone wanting more, is a powerful tool in accomplishing this mission.

To nail it, consider these six tips:

  • Make it concise. Do not ask more than it is necessary.
  • Offer social proof and set the right expectations.
  • Make sure it has a prominent appearance.
  • Add labels so that users know what information to put in.
  • Add Thank You message. However, do not redirect users from the homepage.
  • Make it responsive, mobile-friendly, and accessible.

8. Call-to-Action Button

Footer can be a perfect place to add a call-to-action button. Although it is usually placed right near the offer or on the top, duplicating it right at the bottom of the page never hurts anyone.

According to studies, customers need the last push or last sign of approval to make the final decision. The call-to-action button in the footer is the perfect tool to convince them that they want to use your service or product.

9. Special Offers

People often visit footers to collect information about the company's sales and product releases. This helps them not just to stay up-to-date but also to get some sweet deals. Therefore, reminding your users about current discounts on the footer web is vital to push your marketing strategy forward.

Footer Design from Hostgator

10. Links to Legal Information

Links to legal information, privacy policy, terms and conditions, and contact page are obligatory. A copyright symbol is a must-have if you want to avoid plagiarizing any part of your website. Even though it is a weak protection, nevertheless it is still something.

It is also highly recommended to add a link to the HTML version of the sitemap. Although your users may ignore it, but search engines will certainly visit it.

Depending on your goal, product, and target audience, you may want to extend your footer even more by adding some extra information. Things that you may add to resonate with the audience and advocate your brand are:

  • Ways to get customer support. It can be an instant chat with the support team or team members.
  • Language switcher.
  • Currency switcher.
  • Information about partners and sponsors.
  • Image of an owner of the company.
  • Trust box with awards, certifications, association memberships.
  • Testimonial block.
  • Login/account information.
  • Secondary tasks of interest to the user such as applying for a job with the company, documentation or specifications of a product, and affiliates.
  • A list of subsidiaries and brands in case you have a multinational organization.
  • Gallery or Instagram feed.
  • Your mission statements.
  • Latest articles.
  • Upcoming events.

Each one serves a unique purpose. There is a big temptation to add all of them. However, do not do this because you risk ending up with a content-heavy visually-overwhelming footer design that does more harm than good. Follow the best practices instead.

Website Footer Design from ChiChi Clothing

Best Practices for Website Footers

To achieve the business goals and make the footer design worth of your brand and your users, you need to implement the best practices. Let's step through some of them.

1. Design footer with the business goals in mind.

2. Include just the right amount of information.

Do not force visitors to dig through a pile of data. Set priorities right.

3. Include only relevant information.

4. Be easy on the eyes.

Do not overwhelm your users by having an overcrowded or cluttered footer design. Have a basic outline of all the sections and subsections. Use whitespace to arrange blocks. Stick to clear structure and information hierarchy. Use grouping or other visual-design patterns.

5. Ensure a high readability level by choosing the appropriate font size, font family, and coloring.

6. Cater to users of any device.

Make footer responsive, mobile-friendly, and accessible.

7. Add one or two keywords to improve keyword Search Engine Optimization.

8. Check your analytics.

What are visitors searching for? What aren't they finding? Where do visitors want to go? Address these issues.

9. Adhere to conventional, straightforward terms.

The footer should be consistent, predictable, and easily discoverable.

10. Run usability tests and A/B tests with your audience to determine the best variant.

11. Never hide the footer.

Whatever charming or extravagant solution for hiding your footer you have in mind, do not do this. Leave it as it is.

Website Footer Design from Ramotion

How should you design your website footer? That's a tricky question. After all, it should be the best footer design.

The good news is, we have already provided you with some good insights. The time has come to dive deeper into website footer designs and get some cues from real-life-examples.

Big brands are always the right place to start in a search for inspiration in listing and some valid cues. The deal is, they make design with the devs who have a wealth of experience and the most impressive web developer portfolio. The first one in our collection of the best footer designs to steal is Asos. This famous multinational retailer is famous for keeping up with the World and meeting the vast crowd's current demands.

1. Asos

Here we can see a multilevel footer that offers various functionality. So, what are the key takeaways?

First of all, the footer starts with a promo block that reminds about the sweet discount. Thanks to instant links, it can easily increase conversions.

Second, there is a block with trending brands that qualify the company.

Third, you will notice that it also has a small block with social media and all sorts of accepted credit cards. That is nice to know.

Finally, the block with navigation is just what the doctor ordered. Everything clean and neat. There is only vital information. And there is a switcher to choose your language and currency.

2. Amazon

Another big name in our collection. This time it is Amazon. As a multinational technology company, it can teach us some tricks. For starters, it shows us how to handle mega footer gracefully.

The latter covers lots of useful information; however, thanks to proper structure, good formatting, and lots of space, this does not overwhelm readers.

What's more, there is a small control panel where users can choose the language, currency, and location necessary to create a personal user experience.

Finally, there is a whole block with links that direct to other subdomains. Therefore, if you need to quickly get to Amazon Music, you can just scroll down to the footer and hit the link. Handy.

3. Adobe

The last big name in our collection. What is Adobe going to teach us?

The footer in the official website of the leading multinational computer software company gives some useful insights on how to handle lots of data within a compact and eye-pleasing design.

The team has set priorities and chosen only essential links. There is no clutter. The design talks business. You can see here a massive block with numerous links. However, thanks to the four-column layout, formatting, and information hierarchy, everything is easily scannable and readable.

That's not all; the team has also included links to social media, links to the privacy policy, and even some CTAs.

Clean, neat, and smart.

4. Mailchimp

As the leading ESP company, Mailchimp has nailed multilevel footer. Again, the team has focused on crucial things, bringing only value to the users and customers.

So, what are the key takeaways?

First, the multilevel footer is clean and accurate thanks to lots of whitespaces, proper formatting, and columned layout.

Second, the team has seamlessly integrated a self-promotion and brand identity block to build trust and increase credibility.

Third, there is a block with social media, CTAs, and, of course, language selectors that are crucial for such types of companies.

Note, although the promo blog that should push users down the funnel is not a part of the footer, still placed right above the footer, it goes so well with it that it certainly enjoys some extra attention.

5. Unum

So, enough big names, let's move to startups that are shooting for the stars. They also can provide some good insights. For example, Unum. It is a small and young company, but its startup web design is made with all the best principles in mind.

For instance, the footer starts with a vast CTA block that provides the company with the last chance to win over users before they bounce off.

Second, there is a block with well-organized navigation.

Third, there is a logotype to support the brand image.

Fourth, there is a signup form to collect subscribers.

Finally, there are social media icons and basic info.

In a word, everything is here. Neat.

6. Carbon Beauty

The designers' team behind Carbon Beauty takes a minimal approach to its footer design. However, it does not diminish its potential and ability to reach goals. On the contrary, focusing only on important things, it accomplishes its mission pretty efficiently.

Note several essential things.

First, all the crucial links (shipping info, terms, conditions, returns, and exchanges) are here.

Second, there are social media links as an alternative way for contacts.

Third, there is a signup form for filling the subscription list with some quality leads.

Finally, the footer meets the overall theme and advocates the brand with a beautiful brand identity right in the middle.

7. Bad Boys

Bad Boys Movie's official website gives us useful insights into creating a footer with essentials and looking epic. The team has added an animated gif that catches the movie's drift and serves as an eye magnet that forces users to stay long.

As for essentials,

  • There is a subscription form to build a base of fans.
  • There is a block with main navigation that includes only crucial links.
  • There is a block that increases trust and raises reputation.

8. Boynton Yards

The official website of Boynton Yards is filled with modern features; therefore, it comes as no surprise that the footer design has some exciting twists and tricks that make it look and feel up-to-date.

The team goes for a mega footer; however, unlike Amazon, it does not cover a wealth of information. Again, the team zeros in on only essentials. A signup form, contact information, links to social media channels, and certificates are all you need to pursue three main goals: bring value to the visitors, build trust and collect subscribers.

9. Chivichivi

Chivichivi has a creative website footer design, where typography and whitespace play the first fiddle. It is a perfect example of how to make the last part of the website feel artistic but at the same time informative.

Here you can see everything visitors may need: copyrights, credits, navigation, contact info, links to social media accounts. There is even a subscription form to achieve marketing goals and a range of partners' logotypes to build trust. Clever.

10. Overpass

Overpass has mixed the traditional website footer design with some artistic twists. As a result, we can enjoy a true masterpiece where information is carefully highlighted, and the charisma of the agency is stressed out.

The key takeaways:

• The layout is brilliant. There is a compositional harmony that makes the content easily scannable. • The coloring is well-thought-out. The team hits an optimal contrast ratio and at the same time adds energy to the design. • The CTA is CTA. It is eye-catching and prominent.
• The formatting is flawless. Lists with titles, proper alignment, and a generous amount of whitespace are classic tricks that never get old and always pay off. Therefore, even in such a vibrant environment, content stays the king.


Do not let the website footer be a last-minute consideration. Although it comes last, it is certainly not the least component in the website navigation design. It plays a crucial role in customer experience to say nothing about realizing marketing strategy and achieving goals. The well-thought-out footer design that was made with a particular purpose in mind pays off handsomely.

To make it work:

  1. Contact one of the best executors.
  2. Explore real-life examples to get cues from the best footer designs.
  3. Form well-thought-out web design RFP.
  4. Stay away from companies that question themselves is web design dying. Web design is crucial to success.
  5. Impose the best practices and time-proven solutions.
  6. Do A/B tests to align website footer design with your company, brand, and target audience.
